Agenda item



Report 11036


Following submission of a draft LIP to Transport for London (TfL) on 20th December 2010, approval was sought on a Final LIP which reflected comments from TfL and a number of consultees. It also contained a number of factual updates.


The proposed Final LIP remained similar in structure and content to the Draft LIP, the main changes relating to:


·  a general update of facts and figures where available;

·  changes to funding programmes to reflect the latest position on TfL financial support;

·  changes to some of the monitoring targets in response to comments received;  and

·  other changes arising from consultation which were generally minor.


A summary of comments from TfL on the Draft LIP and the Council’s response was appended to Report 11036 as was a summary of other consultation comments and the Council’s response to the points made.


In introduction the Chairman explained that the Transport Statement Working Group had met on 14th July to look at the Final LIP and he highlighted the notes of the meeting which had been tabled. It was necessary to finalise the document and provide it to the Mayor. Few comments were made by TfL on the draft LIP and the Chairman congratulated the Head of Transport Strategy for the document.


Referring to Objective B8 “To improve accessibility to all forms of transport for people whose mobility is impaired for any reason” Councillor Grainger felt that this objective was unrealistic and indicated that some of the objectives should have been challenged. The Head of Transport Strategy referred to Bromley’s LIP Objectives being previously reported to the Committee and to the inclusion of the Objectives in the draft LIP that was brought to the Committee in November 2010. The Objectives had received a good degree of scrutiny. The Chairman felt that as an aspiration Objective B8 was reasonable and that overall there was reasons to support it.


In discussing steps towards finalising the LIP and taking account of Member comments, the Head of Transport Strategy outlined factors influencing the time frame for submitting the document. It was originally expected by TfL that LIP approval would take place between April and June 2011 but there were funding changes which then had to be worked through. At the Committee’s meeting on 4th October Members would need to consider a detailed programme for spending the 2012/13 funding; delaying finalisation of the LIP and its submission for too long would hinder preparation of the 2012/13 funding submission. TfL had set a deadline of 7th October 2011 for submission of borough funding proposals.


The Portfolio Holder explained that there were now relatively minor textual amendments to be made. The Portfolio Holder offered to meet Members to discuss and he was keen to finalise the document and submit it to TfL.


It was agreed that within the next week Members would email any comments on the LIP to the Chairman based on the report to Committee and the notes of the Transport Statement Working Group meeting on 14th July (which could be considered in more time following the meeting). Comments would then be available for a special meeting of the Environment Portfolio Holder. The Chairman also agreed to forward any comments received to the Head of Transport Strategy as soon as possible after receipt.




(1)  Members email comments on the LIP based on the report to Committee and the notes of the Transport Statement Working Group meeting, 14th July, to the Chairman within the next week;


(2)  the Portfolio Holder be then recommended to -


  (a)  approve the Final Local Implementation Plan attached as Appendix 1 to Report 11036 taking account of comments received; and


  (b)  delegate any further changes to the Final LIP, necessary to ensure approval by the Mayor of London, to the Director of Environmental Services in consultation with the Environment Portfolio Holder.


Supporting documents: