Agenda item



Report DRR11/048


At the meeting of the Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee on 15 February 2011 Members had considered the report of the PDS Libraries Working Group which put forward a number of options for the future shape, structure and composition of the borough’s library service.  The Working Group had identified four options, and the PDS Committee had agreed to pursue further work around Option 4, which included:

   a)  exploring the concept of partnership working with the London Borough of Bexley;

  b)  looking at the possibility of a Trust option for Libraries;

  c)  consideration of the distribution of the library branch network.

The Executive considered the latest report, including an updated schedule of consultation responses tabled at the meeting, and the views of the PDS Committee. The Leader confirmed that a letter from the Mottingham Residents Association had been received and considered. 


The Leader invited the Staff Side Secretary, Glenn Kelly, to address the meeting. Mr Kelly emphasised the stress on staff and the public of five months of uncertainty, and sought a clear decision on a positive way forward. He questioned how qualified librarians could be categorised as back office staff, and how back office staff could be reduced by 50% without having an impact on the service. He sought a guarantee that there would be no compulsory redundancies, reductions in hours or library closures. He also questioned why the option of forming a trust was still being pursued, as senior managers had previously advised that it would be unviable. He remarked that libraries had already been changing into community hubs for a decade or more, and pointed out that the success of the new Orpington Library had involved substantial investment.


The Director of Renewal and Recreation summarised the consideration of this issue by the Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee on three occasions (15th February, 12th April and 5th July 2011) and by the Executive and Resources PDS Committee (on 12th July 2011). He also confirmed that following the end of the staff consultation period a letter had now been sent to all staff setting out management’s responses (a summary of issues raised and management responses was tabled.) As a result of the consultation, changes had been made to assist Bromley staff in applying for jobs in the new service. The Council would seek to minimise compulsory redundancy and consider voluntary redundancy on a case by case basis. He clarified that the qualified librarians that Mr Kelly had referred to were in back office management posts. The Director also confirmed that Bexley Council had approved the shared service proposal (subject to call-in) on 8th July 2011. 


Councillor John Getgood addressed the Executive. He considered that there were still gaps in the proposals that prevented decisions being taken, that the Trust option was not viable and that local knowledge and important community services would be lost. People wanted investment in a professional service in good premises, but the proposals would lead to reduced usage which in turn would lead to more cuts. 


The Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation proposed that the shared service proposals should be supported, the Trust option should continue to be pursued and that he would lead a study in the next few months into what services should be provided at each library. He would look at opportunities to make efficiencies, to maximise use of each site, to introduce other appropriate uses and to introduce volunteers to the service. He confirmed that he would be looking at statistics on how many visits were made at each site.


The Members of the Executive considered these proposals in the light of the Council’s need to provide substantial savings across all budgets. They repeated that it was not the intention to just close eight libraries, but it was essential to examine the service and take difficult decisions. They considered that as establishing a Trust would secure hundreds of thousands of pounds in savings from business rates each year, this should be investigated further. However, they also considered that charging for use of the People’s Network should not be introduced.




(1) The proposal to enter into a shared services arrangement with the London Borough of Bexley for the provision of Library services be approved.


(2)  Further work be carried out as a matter of urgency to develop the Library Trust option.


(3) The Renewal and Recreation Portfolio Holder examines the services provided at each library and reports back with further proposals.

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