Agenda item



Report DRR11/086


The Director of Renewal and Recreation explained that the report covered three areas i) an assessment of the impact of the rioting and public disorder that took place in the Borough on 8th August 2011; ii) the financial support being made available by the Government and the Mayor of London; and iii) the Council’s Assistance Programme.


Members were advised that the impact on local businesses in the affected areas had ranged from low level damage to frontages up to serious loss of stock and equipment due to looting.  The Director updated the Executive and advised that a total of 58 businesses had been effected in some way by the rioting and 85% of these had been visited by officers to reassure that the Council was working closely with the Police and to provide information on sources of help and advice as well as assessing the loss and disruption they experienced.  It was estimated that two thirds of the companies were small businesses and the majority had insurance cover.  Estimates of the costs arising from the losses incurred ranged from about £900 up to £300,000 and only a few had had to close for up to 2 to 3 days with 1 business still closed and boarded awaiting a refit.  To date it was estimated that about 9 small businesses were likely to apply for assistance under the scheme being proposed.  It was suggested that the level of individual grants on offer be limited to £2,500 per application and that authority to approve these requests be delegated.  The report proposed setting aside £142,500 for the fund but in view of the current level of possible take up it was suggested this be reduced to £50,000.


Details of the funding schemes announced by the Government and the London Mayor were set out in the report.  Whilst the Council could not claim under all these it was expected the Council would be 100% reimbursed through the Government High Street support Scheme.  The Mayor of London had also announced additional funding to help make longer term improvements to the capital’s town centres and High Streets damaged by the recent disturbances full details of which were still awaited.


The Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Safety reported to the Executive on the events that had occurred on 8th August 2011 and the response by the Police and Council in keeping the situation under control.  He praised the work of all those involved in maintaining law and order at the time and afterwards in the clearing up operation which showed the excellent partnership working.  The CCTV footage had proved very useful in helping the Police identify those involved.  A full report would be made to the Public Protection and Safety PDS Committee meeting on 20th September 2011 and all members would be invited to attend.




1)  the impact of the recent disorder in the Borough’s Town Centres and the arrangements put in place by the Government and locally to assist the recovery be noted;


2)  in view of the need to act quickly delegated authority be given to the Director of Renewal and Recreation, in agreement with the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holders for Resources and Renewal and Recreation to decide on the final form of the Council’s package  of support for local businesses affected by the disorder; and


3)  a sum of £50,000 be set aside in the Central Contingency to fund these potential costs, on the basis they will be refunded from the Department for Communities and Local Government.

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