Agenda item

(11/01989/FULL1) - Sundridge Park Manor, Willoughby Lane, Bromley.





Description of application - Partial demolition/external alterations and two storey rear extension with basement and surface car parking and change of use of Mansion and The Cottage from hotel to 13 two bedroom and 1 three bedroom flats.


It was noted that the recommendation contained in the Chief Planner’s report was amended to, “Permission, subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement relating to the payment of funds for maintenance of the woodland in accordance with approved management plan and to the consideration of existing Section 106 obligations.  It was also noted that the Golf Club had no objection to the application.

Members having considered the report, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED, SUBJECT TO THE PRIOR COMPLETION OF A LEGAL AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE PAYMENT OF FUNDS FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WOODLAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROVED MANAGEMENT PLAN AND TO THE CONSIDERATION OF EXISTING SECTION 106 OBLIGATIONS,as recommended, for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informative set out in the report of the Chief Planner with the deletion of conditions 7 and 10 and amendments to conditions 27, 30, 31 and 32 to read:-

“27.  Details of the proposed slab levels of the extension and the existing site levels shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before work commences and the development shall be completed strictly in accordance with the approved levels.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the visual and residential amenities of the area.

30.  Before any works on site are commenced, an updated site-wide energy strategy assessment shall be submitted to and approved by the Local

Planning Authority, following consultation with English Heritage to further

investigate opportunities to provide renewable energy on the site.

The results of this strategy shall be incorporated into the final design of the

buildings prior to first occupation. The strategy shall include measures to

allow the development to achieve an agreed reduction in carbon dioxide

emissions from on-site renewable energy generation. The feasibility of the

provision of combined heat and power (CHP) to supply thermal and

electrical energy to the site or the most appropriate buildings within the

permitted development should be included within the assessment. The final

designs, including the energy generation shall be retained thereafter in

operational working order, and shall include details of schemes to provide

noise insulation and silencing for and filtration and purification to control

odour, fumes and soot emissions of any equipment as appropriate.

REASON:  In order to seek to achieve compliance with the Mayor of London’s

Energy Strategy and to comply with Policy 5.2 and 5.7 of the London Plan 2011.

31.  There shall be no car parking within the application site beyond the south and east elevations of the building at any time. Details of measures to ensure this shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and implemented in accordance with the approved details.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policies G2 and BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and to protect MOL and improve appearance.

32.  Prior to any work commencing on site details of the design and appearance of the ‘juliette’ balconies shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the ‘juliette’ balconies shall subsequently be carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

REASON:  To ensure the design and appearance of the balconies is sympathetic to the appearance and setting of the listed building in accordance with Policy BE8 of the Unitary Development Plan.”


Action By:Chief Planner/Legal

Supporting documents: