Agenda item


Please note that this report has been pre-scrutinised by both the Environment and Renewal & Recreation PDS Committees who views will be reported at the meeting.


Report DRR11/091


Crystal Palace Park was a site of local, regional, national and international significance which now required an alternative approach to its management to ensure that it was enjoyed for generations to come. The approved Masterplan for Crystal Palace Park, although subject to a judicial review, required consideration to be given to the mechanism by which the Masterplan could be implemented and the need to attract significant external support and funding whilst retaining and increasing the support of local residents, interest groups and associations.

The report examined different options for the future governance of the park and recommended that management of the park in the form of a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation be further investigated. The report also suggested pursuing discussions with established and experienced organisations such as the National Trust, English Heritage and other industry sectors with a history and reputation for managing green spaces.

Recognising the complexities of the park’s history, the diverse range of parties that had an interest in the future of the park and the scale of resources likely to be required to implement (in all or in part) the Masterplan, the creation of the Crystal Palace Park Management Board was recomended. The Board would be established to explore opportunities for the management, restoration, development and protection of Crystal Palace Park, recognising the site’s multi-faceted historical significance and creating an environment which was valued and admired by local people and visitors alike.  Set out in the appendix to the report was the proposed membership of the Board together with five different stakeholder Groups drawn from across the spectrum of individuals, groups, local authorities and organisations having involvement with the Park. 

The Director of Renewal and Recreation introduced his report and advised that it had been discussed by both the Renewal and Recreation and Environment PDS Committees whose comments had been circulated to Executive members.  Both Committees supported the creation of the Board and had expressed various views.  The Director felt that the establishment of the Management Board reporting direct to this Executive was the best way of securing investment for the future of the Park.  Also included in the report was a suggested timetable for the development phases of the project with the intension to report back to the Executive with final propels in November next year.

Councillor Getgood attended to speak to the item and in general terms agreed with what was being proposed. However, he did have some concerns in relation to the make up of the Board and specifically asked that the Executive consider appointing two Ward Councillors rather than one onto the Management Board.  Councillor Getgood also emphasised the importance of the role of the Existing community Stakeholders Group and that perhaps its elected Chairman should represent the overall views direct to the Board.  The Director explained the process being proposed and that the Crystal Palace Park Stakeholder Group which would be newly formed, together with the Existing Community Stakeholders Group would be selecting the appropriate two community representatives to sit on the Board. 

Councillor Smith considered this was a good news item and stressed the importance of the Management Board taking a strong active lead in pursuing the rejuvenation of this very important Park.  The Chairman also supported the proposals and agreed with the appointment of two Ward Councillors and the reduction to one Community representative as suggested. He also requested an earlier report back to the Executive next year following the proposed Community Conference.  In respect of the Stakeholder Groups he felt that efforts had been made to make them as inclusive as possible.  The Director considered there would be no problem with the changes and spoke of the need to ensure that there were proper information and communication systems in place so everyone involved was kept informed of progress. 


(1)   the creation of the Crystal Palace Park Management Board be approved (as set out at Appendix 1 to the report), subject to amending the membership to provide for 2 Ward Councillors and 1 Community Representative;

(2)   Officers support members of the Crystal Palace Park Management Board to:

(a)  explore the ‘not-for-profit’ organisation governance option for the park;

  (b) pursue discussions with established organisations who have the experience and capability of  managing green spaces, such as the National Trust and English Heritage;

  (c) investigate options for a challenge of the Lee Valley Regional Park Act 1966 in collaboration with neighbouring boroughs to obtain agreement to reinvest Bromley’s funds into Crystal Palace Park;

  (d)  agree that the Crystal Palace Park Executive Project Board bring back further reports to the  Executive with recommendations on the future management of Crystal Palace Park and any other significant developments;


3)   an updating report be submitted to the Executive in April 2012 following the Community Conference.

Supporting documents: