Agenda item



Report No. DCYP11109


At their meeting on 25th May 2011 SACRE Members considered the questions “What does quality RE look like?” and “What do we want pupils to gain from their experience of RE?” SACRE Members considered a table of the results and a short analysis of Members’ comments which had been prepared by the RE Adviser.

The Chairman introduced Mr Suhaib Farooqi, Activities Co-ordinator from Discover Islam to the meeting. Mr Farooqi gave a presentation to SACRE Members of the work carried out by his educational organisation which provides Islamic informative media, exhibitions, presentations, workshops and literature to promote a better understanding of Islam. Discover Islam give guidance on syllabus content and specific topic content e.g Ramadan. They organise Introduction to Islam and Culture Courses, Cultural Exhibitions for schools and provide access to mosques for visits and tours.

SACRE Members were also shown the first in a series of Cartoon Animations for Primary Schools which explained the five pillars of Islam. (The animation can be seen on ‘youtube’.). All the services provided by Discover Islam are free and details can be found on Mr Farooqi informed SACRE Members that Discover Islam started in South West London and their work now covered the whole of the UK. There were plans to extend their work into France and Germany.

Mr Mahmood suggested that Discover Islam could be a useful resource for schools and Mr Stone commented that pupils would benefit from having a simplified resource, such as the cartoon animation. Mr Farooqi added that it was also a good resource for adults who did not know very much about Islam.

The Chairman thanked Mr Farooqi for attending the meeting and for his interesting and informative presentation. He then introduced Mrs Jackie Tranchina, the recently appointed Head Teacher at Cudham C of E Primary School (and also a Member of SACRE), who gave a powerpoint presentation to SACRE Members of good RE practice in her school.

Mrs Tranchina commented that the Primary School Curriculum gave guidance on teaching all religions, not just Christianity. Her presentation showed work recently undertaken by the reception class in respect of harvest, which had looked at Autumn foods and colours. There had been a lot of practical work involved, including art activities and plenty of opportunity for speaking and listening. The children had been involved in Christian harvest songs and prayers.

(Reverend Canon Camp had to leave the meeting at this point.)

Year 1 pupils had looked at the Jewish festival of Sukkot and had compared how Christians celebrate. Pupils had looked at the Festival of Light and Diwali. They had explored symbolism and looked at aspects of sharing across all religions.  Year 5 pupils had also examined Juddaism, and Mrs Tranchina brought in some models of sukkahs which the children had made. The more able children had researched how Jewish people celebrate harvest and were able to compare this to Christian celebrations.

Mrs Tranchina commented that one of the most successful lessons she had taught in the past was teaching Year 4 pupils about Islam. The children had really enjoyed this and one of the pupils had brought in her prayer mat. Mrs Tranchina remarked that she considered the cartoon animation produced by Discover Islam was a very good resource.

The Chairman remarked that newly qualified teachers received very little training in Religious Education and asked what could be done to help them.  Mrs Tranchina commented that it could be very daunting for new teachers and some were worried that they might “say the wrong thing“. It was important to share good practice and for experienced teachers to support them. Jan Thompson agreed that it was very important to give support to new teachers. She said that there were tremendous resources available to them and the Bromley Scheme of Work gave teachers lots of support in delivering the Agreed Syllabus. The Chairman remarked in particular on resources available through information technology, as long as it was accessed through secure sites. Jan Thompson commented on the importance of planning appropriately in relation to pupils’ age and ability.




(i)the analysis of the previous training exercise and the presentations of Mr Farooqi and Mrs Tranchina be noted;


(ii)  Mrs Fiona Hawkes to speak at the next SACRE meeting about good RE practice in the classroom.



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