Agenda item



Report ES11125


Members considered a report highlighting changes to the winter service policy following the extreme weather conditions encountered during the winter of 2010/11. The changes were proposed to achieve an efficient, effective and proportionate response to winter conditions.


Concerning the Snow Friends initiative it was reported that there were now more than 3,000 Snow Friends in 138 groups and the Portfolio Executive Assistant, Councillor Peter Fortune, updated Members on the initiative. Snow Friends had received bags of salt and scoops and a Snow Conference was held in June with another conference planned. The Executive Assistant was encouraged by the way that people, schools and businesses had taken the Snow Friends initiative forward.


As an extension of the Snow Friends scheme and where there were willing volunteers, the Portfolio Holder referred to consideration of salt bins being securely located on private properties. A Member supporting such an approach suggested that smaller salt bins be considered e.g. similar in size to kerbside recycling boxes. Another Member commented that some salt bins were located by the carriageway in difficult locations and it might not be possible for residents to clear a road if the bins were securely located on private premises. The Executive Assistant spoke of control being in the hands of local people and carriageway salt bins being external to the salt provided for Snow Friends.


It was explained that schools wanted to remain open during times of severe weather and were keen for support such as scoops and salt to be rolled out faster. Members were advised that there was a plentiful stock of salt and some could be available for schools. A letter had been sent to schools but response had been slow and it was necessary to have details of schools wanting salt.


For shaded locations where snow and ice would lay e.g. hill locations, it was suggested that these locations needed to be recorded. This would benefit not just the Council. The Executive Assistant explained that a map showed the location of Snow Friends units and residents could indicate to other residents any areas that required particular attention. The Highways Network Manager also indicated that salt bins located alongside routes which might be considered dangerous in severe weather were included on a map available via the Council’s website.


Responding to an enquiry about private roads, the Executive Assistant clarified that salt and scoops were delivered to Snow Friends Groups and not roads and private roads could therefore be covered in any arrangements by Snow Friends.


The Chairman suggested that Adult and Community Services be asked to explore links with the third sector for any voluntary offer in severe weather using 4x4 vehicle(s) to assist elderly or vulnerable residents particularly in remoter areas. The Chairman also referred to contracted employees at schools (e.g. caretakers) who would need to take account of employment considerations in how they contributed to measures for clearing paths/playground etc. He suggested that a one Council approach was needed on this.


Concerning the fourth recommendation at paragraph 2.1 of Report ES11125, it was agreed that the recommendation should also reflect that existing salt bins be considered for replacement as and when there is a viable alternative such as residents being able to take over the storage of salt stocks – this to avoid issues concerning the unwarranted removal of salt from existing salt bins. It was felt that the recommendation should also refer to keeping Ward Members fully informed on such proposals in their locality.


RESOLVED that the Environment Portfolio Holder be recommended to approve the following proposed changes to the winter service policy and plan:


(1)  establish a tertiary carriageway network for snow clearance;


(2)  restrict carriageway snow clearance during a snow event to the primary, secondary and tertiary routes;


(3)  restrict footway snow clearance during a snow event to the three main areas of priority (i.e. main retail centres, approaches to transport interchanges and outside schools);


(4)  retain all existing salt bins - with no further salt bins installed – but to avoid unwarranted removal of salt from existing salt bins and in consultation with Ward Members,the bins be considered for replacement as and when a viable alternative is available e.g. residents being able to securely store salt stocks.


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