Agenda item

(11/02499/FULL1) - Cherry Lodge Golf Club, Jail Lane, Biggin Hill.





Description of application - Improvement of golf club course including deposit of inert materials to remodel 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th holes and provide multi-shot driving range (on existing practice ground outfield), chipping academy and putting green.  Replacement single storey driving range building.  Laying out of hard surface on existing informal car parking area to provide 93 spaces.  Drainage and landscaping works.  Alteration of vehicular access to Main Road and construction of temporary haul roads and compound for import of soil, including wheel washing facility, site office and related buildings.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received.  Oral representations from visiting Ward Member Councillor Richard Scoates in objection to the application were received at the meeting.

Due to allegations of predetermination, Councillor Scoates had removed himself from serving as a Member of Plans 4 Sub-Committee that evening in order that the decision could not be legally challenged in Court on the ground of his predetermination of the application.

Oral representations from neighbouring Ward Member Councillor Julian Benington in objection to the application was also received at the meeting.

It was reported that the application had been amended by documents received on 20 October and 7 November 2011.

The Chief Planner advised that any refusal would require to be supported at appeal by evidence and that a lack of evidence could leave the Council open to a substantial costs claim in the event of the decision being reversed at appeal.

Further objections to the application had been received and were reported by the Chief Planner. 

A further letter of support had also been received.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reasons:-

1  The proposed new access and haul road by reason of the increase in the volume of large vehicles entering and exiting the site and using surrounding residential roads are likely to result in serious harm to the road safety and free flow of traffic in the area and to the amenities of nearby residents, contrary to Policy T11 and T18 of the Unitary Development Plan.

2  The proposal by reason of the sightlines necessary either side of the haul access to Main Road would result in an unacceptable loss of an important hedgerow which makes a positive contribution to the character of the area and the surrounding Green Belt, contrary to Policy NE9 of the Unitary Development Plan and The Hedgerow Regulations 1997.

3  The remodelling of the golf course, associated operational development and the formation of the haul road are of significant scale with an adverse impact on the character of the area, bearing in mind the number of footpaths, bridleways and byways in the immediate vicinity of the development, thereby contrary to policy L1(iii) of the Unitary Development Plan.

4  The proposed development and haul road would have a materially greater impact than that already existing on the openness and visual quality of the Green Belt contrary to Policy G1 of the Unitary Development Plan and Policy 7.16 of the London Plan.

Supporting documents: