Agenda item



(a)  Consultation re: Proposed Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare’s Law).


The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator outlined the Home Office consultation being undertaken on a possible domestic violence disclosure scheme.  The Government sought views on three options:

  • To continue current arrangements under existing law
  • A ‘right to ask’ national disclosure scheme
  • A ‘right to know’ national disclosure scheme

Members of the Partnership discussed the proposed options.

The Borough Commander was supportive of the recommendations, however he also noted that uptake of the scheme was likely to be low.

Councillor John Canvin was concerned about the level of information disclosed.  The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator explained that specific guidelines had been laid out to ensure that disclosure would only confirm if there may be concerns regarding a person.  No details would be shared and the consultation was gathering views about what information would constitute ‘concerns’. The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator stated that her recommendation was that the Partnership response to the consultation request that unsubstantiated allegations not be included under the category of concerns.

Paula Morrison confirmed that health services in the Borough were supportive of a national disclosure scheme, and issues had been raised by GPs around how concerns regarding domestic violence could be reported without breaching confidentiality of patients. 

Councillor Benington queried the rights of enquiry proposed for parents and siblings.  The Domestic Abuse Strategy Coordinator confirmed that reporting processes were in place with Police and partner agencies where there were domestic violence concerns by family members.

It was agreed that the Partnership response would ask for both a ‘right to ask’ and a ‘right to know’ national disclosure scheme to be implemented.


(b)  Protecting the Elderly and Vulnerable Verbal Update


The Head of Trading Standards gave an update on activities being undertaken to protect the elderly and vulnerable.  Activities included Trading Standards working with local banks through a new protocol to protect older and more vulnerable residents from rogue traders.  Work was also being undertaken with health staff who supported vulnerable people in the community.

A programme of four theatre workshops would be provided to vulnerable elderly residents in the Borough in March 2012, including a workshop in the Biggin Hill Area.  A workshop would also be provided for adults with learning difficulties who were living independently.  Dave Prebble highlighted the role of Safer Neighbourhood Teams in promoting these events. 


(c)  Enforcement Activity Report


The Assistant Director: Public Protection gave an update on enforcement activity undertaken by Bromley Council under delegated powers during the period 1st April 2011 to 30th September 2011.

In considering the update, the Borough Commander suggested that the range of enforcement activities be publicised in the Safer Bromley News.  Paula Morrison also requested that a summary of enforcement activities undertaken in relation to rogue traders be provided to health staff who worked with vulnerable people in the community.

It was agreed that an update on enforcement activity be provided to the Partnership on a six monthly basis.


It was AGREED the update be noted.


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