Agenda item



Report ACS09123


The Committee considered a report outlining the current arrangements for the provision of general and specialist information, advice and guidance services in the field of social care, housing and general enquiry services available to any members of the public that were funded and commissioned by Adult and Community Services and Children and Young People Services, and proposing a future approach to the provision of these services.


A member raised concern that the report appeared to indicate that the public only used the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) for benefits advice.  His experience was that his local CAB dealt with a wide variety of cases.  He was also concerned that a number of people would still need this advice and he did not feel that telephone and internet access to the service were sufficient. Officers explained that there would still be opportunities for face to face contact in addition to the internet, telephone and the kiosk.


Officers explained that the move away from the traditional face to face contact was initiated by the CAB in response to the limited numbers of volunteers available. Officers had been in discussion with the CAB for a year and this proposal was part of the strategy adopted by the National CAB organisation.


The Committee raised concerns regarding the proposals for training Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to deal with older people and people with learning difficulties and mental health needs. The concern was that the DWP would not offer the level of support needed for vulnerable people to help them through, what is often, a difficult time. Dealing with vulnerable people could take up a considerable amount of time. In addition they were unlikely to want to offer help to people appealing against decisions taken by the DWP. The Chairman added that specialist provision would need to meet the needs of all the community and that the specialist advisors would need to be closely monitored.


Officers informed the Committee that the training and support for staff within the DWP would be provided by specialist organisations. In addition, for issues such as appeals, they could signpost people to other services, such as Broadway, for the necessary advice and support.


Officers also reported that rather than always being “building based” the service would become more peripatetic and conduct “surgeries” and go to groups and give talks.  This would make the services more accessible. 


Councillor Fookes moved that that the issues relating to the CAB be deferred to a future meeting and that the CAB be invited to make presentations.  This was motion was unsupported.


The Chairman stated that the DWP would be encouraged to write to people explaining the changes.  She appreciated that a number of vulnerable people would need someone to ring on their behalf as they were not comfortable with using the telephone.

The Chairman then explained that with regard to recommendation 3 she wished to make changes and in relation to recommendations 1 and 2 these would not be for noting but for recommendation to the executive.  A copy of the proposed amendment to recommendation 3 was circulated and supported by the Committee.


 RESOLVED that the Executive is recommended to approve:


i)  that all Council service providers in future will have clear contractual responsibility to provide information on their service both in hard copy (where appropriate) and electronically and to ensure this is published either directly, or through links to other websites, on Bromley MyLife;

ii)  that one strategic partner/core contract has been identified for each care group to  provide information, advice and guidance and that efficiency savings will be sought with regard to existing contracts;

iii)  that specialist advice provision is reviewed to ensure that it is meeting an identified priority need including consideration as to the impact of any changes to people requiring support to appeal against a benefit decision. The outcome of the review will be reported back to the Adult and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny prior to any decisions being taken by the Portfolio Holder.

iv)  that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is the primary agency responsible for providing assistance with accessing welfare benefits and that the Council will where necessary arrange training for DWP staff to ensure that they have the necessary skills to assist people with particular needs;

v)  that residents will be encouraged to access general information, advice and guidance services through the use of the internet and national help lines;

vi)  to waive the requirement for competitive tendering pursuant to Contract Procedure Rule 13.1 and that a new contract be entered into with Bromley Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) for a period of two years commencing 1st April 2012 as set out in the report on Part 2 of this agenda, with the option to extend for a further year (with authority to exercise the option to extend to be delegated to the relevant Chief Officer in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder). Funding will be reduced over a two year period (2012/13 and 2013/14), to enable the CAB, in line with its own development proposals, to move to a service based on outreach provision, telephone and internet access.

(Councillor Fookes recorded his objection to reducing the funding to the CAB over a two year period from 2012/13 and 2013/14)

Supporting documents: