Agenda item

(11/01174/VAR) - 84 London Lane, Bromley.




Description of application - Continued use as a doctors surgery with variation of condition 8 of appeal decision 98/01709 (restricting use to a single handed doctors practice of no more than one doctor and for no other purpose) to allow 3 doctors to practice from Sundridge Medical Centre.


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received at the meeting.

Comments from Ward Members Councillor Peter Morgan and Councillor Ellie Harmer requesting referral of the application were reported at the meeting.

Comments from Highways Engineers in respect of a traffic surveys undertaken were reported.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that the application BE DEFERRED without prejudice to any future consideration for:-

1)  advice to be sought from the PCT with regard to patient numbers;

2)  Highways to consider the appeal decision with regard to the impact on road safety; and

3)  Ward Councillors to consider the impact of the Highways surveys.


Supporting documents: