Agenda item



Report ES11108


The Director of Environmental Services submitted a report which explained proposals for the introduction of a trial scheme to supplement the current Green Garden Waste Sticker service and finalise options for textile collections in the Borough.  The report had been discussed by both the Environment and the Executive & Resources (E&R) PDS Committees who had supported the proposals.  However, the E&R PDS Committee had suggested the Portfolio Holder might consider making an initial charge to customers to cover the cost of the wheelie bin provided. The Environment Portfolio Holder had subsequently agreed the introduction of a pilot scheme for a fortnightly wheelie bin collection service for Green Garden Waste which would be for a 10½ month period at a price of £60 per property as well as the changes to the textile collection service.  This report was primarily coming to the Executive to seek approval of the funding arrangements for the trial scheme.  It was proposed that the total cost (£220,000) be met by using £140,000 of the current projected underspend for the Environment Portfolio and a contribution of £80,000 from the recently established ‘Invest to Save Fund’.  The Finance Director advised that the proposals were supported by a very strong business case.


The Environment Portfolio Holder spoke in support of the pilot scheme which was designed to be easy for residents to buy into and was based on the experience gained during the roll out of the food waste collection service.  It was being trialled first and if successful would then be extended across the Borough. The Environment PDS Committee and its Chairman had fully backed the proposals.  He also pointed out that some neighbouring Boroughs made no charge for their garden waste collection service. 


The Chairman of the E&R PDS Committee, Councillor Bosshard, had some concerns at the use of underspend monies to part pay for the scheme particularly in the current financial climate.  His Committee felt that charging a fee for the cost of a bin which could be built into the overall cost for joining the scheme would be worthwhile.  The Director of Environmental Services explained that a charge for bins had been considered when drawing up the scheme.  Officers had looked carefully at examples from other Boroughs who already had such schemes and concluded that by making a charge and putting up the cost it could deter people from taking part.  They had wanted to ensure the scheme would work and be sustainable for the future. Councillor Nicholas Bennett who had been a member of the Working Party involved did not agree but asked whether the management costs had been factored into the business case.  The Director responded that they had but he did not have the breakdown with him and would circulate the information to members after the meeting.


Councillor Morgan expressed the view that the total cost of the scheme should be fully repaid not just the Invest to Save portion and members went on to debate this issue and whether the use of the underspend was appropriate for this purpose or should the total cost be met from the Invest to Save Fund.  The Finance Director confirmed that the repayment of the contribution to the Fund would be expected in 2012/13 and as part of the process a report, similar in style to a post completion report, would be submitted to the I & E Sub-Committee to monitor the situation.  The Director of Environmental Services advised that the underspend was on the Waste budget which had arisen out of lower disposal costs from reduced waste tonnages and was being ploughed back into this further waste recycling scheme, with only the £80,000 being needed from the Invest to Save Fund.  On being put  to the vote it was –




1)  approval be given for the utilisation of the current projected underspend for the Environment Portfolio to part fund the wheelie bin containers to facilitate the introduction of this trial service, with the balance being met from the Invest To Save Fund; and


2)  the £80,000 funds vired from the Invest to Save Fund to support the trial scheme be repaid upon completion of the trial. 





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