Agenda item



Report ACS 11073


The Executive considered a report proposing the award of a contract to Community Links Bromley for three years from 1st April 2012, with an option to extend for a further two years and for additional funding for the first year (2012/13) being met from LPSA reward grant. The report had also been pre-scrutinised by both the Executive & Resources and Adult & Community (A&CS) PDS Committees whose comments were reported at the meeting.  The report detailed what was covered in the core contract with Community Links and the future requirements in respect of helping the Council deliver on its agenda for social care and its wider community objectives.


Members spent some time debating the issues arising from the proposals particularly around the need for clear targeting and value for money.  Whilst acknowledging the significant contribution made by the organisation comment was made on what added value the Council would be gaining from paying the additional funding as proposed, particularly as it was noted that Community Links had large reserves.  In addition members were concerned at some of the overlaps in work between the various voluntary groups and the lack of robust monitoring information.  The Portfolio Holder for Adult & Community Services emphasised the excellent work done by the Voluntary Sector and the support provided by Community Links.  He reported that at the A&CS PDS meeting they had also discussed funding being given on a targeted basis and had proposed an amendment to the second recommendation in the report to reflect this.  The Portfolio Holder for Children & Young People had some concerns at releasing the additional finance and commented that he was not aware that Community Links provided support for young people services and would like to see more details of this before any decision was taken.  Councillor Evans pointed out that this was one of the target areas that Community Links would be expected to develop for the future and the new Chief Executive of the organisation was keen to work with CYP to achieve this.


Councillor Getgood asked that the confidential report showing more detail of the financial arrangements should be bought forward into the public part of the meeting as it was difficult discussing these issues without referring to the confidential information.  Having considered the suggestion and the advice from the Director of Resources the Executive agreed that the report be bought forward into Part 1 of the meeting.  Councillor Getgood commenting on the proposals referred to the difficult cuts in funding faced by most other groups yet it was being recommended that Community Links should get a significant increase above their grant and could not see the reasoning nor how successful they had been to justify such an increase.  The Assistant Director Commissioning and Partnerships drew attention to the list of requirements set out in the report and outlined the work carried out by the organisation in taking the lead in supporting many voluntary groups to continue with their work.  Further issues were raised concerning the lack of a business case for the proposals and that no competitive tendering was taking place.


The Chairman reemphasised the Council’s support for the Voluntary Sector yet at the same time Members had specific concerns that needed to be addressed.  The current contract finished in March next year and Community Links would need funding to continue.  However he felt more work needed to be done to show what added value the organisation brought to the local authority and suggested the current contract be extend, possibly from 1 -2 years to allow this to happen and that the additional funding could be looked at again when more detailed information was available and on a case by case basis.  In the second year consideration could be given to an open tendering process at the end of the extension. It was also suggested that there should be joint working between Community Links and Age Concern in the future.




1)  approval be given to extend the existing contract with Community Links Bromley for up to 2 years from 1st April 2012 on the basis that after the first year the Council would consider whether there should be a competitive tending process at the end of that period;  and


2)  at this stage no additional funding for 2012/13 be agreed but that Community Links be informed that any appropriate bids for this funding will be considered from April next year on a case by case basis.








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