Agenda item



The Sub-Committee received a presentation from the Head of Customer Service providing an update on the channel shift programme and requesting that the remaining funds allocated for customer service improvement be released. 


A number of service migrations to the customer contact centre had now been completed, including Registrars, the Fostering Helpline and Green Space.  Contact centre staff were also working to support anti-fraud measures developed following changes to the Blue Badge scheme.  Further services with high call volume being considered for potential migration included Housing and the Planning Service.  Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP queried whether school admissions would be prioritised for channel shift.  The Head of Customer Services confirmed that the number of online applications received in Bromley for school places was lower than in some other boroughs.  Staff in Children and Young People Services were working to improve this and the customer contact centre would be happy to provide support where appropriate. 


Work to co-locate Liberata and Housing reception points was continuing, and the co-located reception was likely to open in April 2012, with Liberata moving into the provision in late June 2012.  An appointment system would be used for general housing queries and it was hoped that a queue management system could be introduced to support self-service check in.  Internet linked PCs would be made available to customers applying to the Housing Register, and four PCs had already been introduced to main reception.  Following the closure of the cashier’s office, customers were being encouraged to pay using chip and pin, and a payment machine in main reception was currently handling 2,000 cheque and cash payments a month.


The Voice Recognition System had now processed over 300,000 calls, which represented a 75% channel shift.  Phase 3 of the Voice Recognition project was currently in development which would support the automated reporting of missed bins and recycling box requests.  There was potential to roll out this system to manage other requests, including tip permits, green waste stickers and application forms for blue badges and parking permits. 


Development of web-based services included missed bin and recycling box e-forms, Twitter Gritter and an Amazon link installed as part of the approve revenue principle for the website.  A new look complaints form had been launched, and use was being made of Friendly Links and Quick Response codes to direct people to service specific areas of the website.  Work was also being undertaken with search engine providers to ensure users of Bromley website were directed appropriately.  Potential future developments for self-service on the website included user registration, mapping, increased use of social media and development of a mobile web option for portable devices.  Additional e-forms were also being developed for areas including tip permits, free school meals, rolling registration and trade waste enquiries. 


Councillor Nicholas Bennett queried whether there had been a move to print on demand for customer information leaflets.  The Head of Customer Services confirmed that the co-located reception could display copies of leaflets which customers could request as printed copies.


RESOLVED that the request to release the remaining funds allocated for customer service improvement be agreed by Members