Agenda item



Report No. DCYP12015


As part of the training for SACRE members, the three SACRE secondary school teachers spoke about RE teaching in their schools.


Fiona Hawkes from Coopers Technology College gave details of the units which were studied by Year 7 pupils. These included an introduction to world religions, ‘one church – many branches’, Easter,  and Sikhism. She commented in particular on teaching about the Five Ks, to increase pupils understanding of Sikhism. Pupils also took part in the annual Islamic Competition. Year 8 pupils focussed on ‘Religion and Science’ and also studied animal rights. Judaism was also studied and was linked closely with history and teaching about the holocaust. 


Mr Riat commented that there appeared to be some confusion when teaching Sikhism particularly in primary schools. He emphasised that not all Sikh men wore the Five Ks (the five signs of their faith) and only those who were committed Sikhs did so. Sikhs laid great emphasis on equality and service to others regardless of status, and Mr Riat outlined the history of Sikhism and the teaching of the human Gurus. Mrs Hawkes confirmed that the teaching of Sikhism at Coopers Technology College reflected this. Mr Riat further commented that pupils were always welcome to visit the Gurdwara at Gravesend.


Mrs Hawkes remarked that the time allocated to the teaching of RE at Coopers Technology College had decreased over the past six years and Religious Studies GCSE was not currently an option. (This had in part been due to the introduction of the English Baccalaureate.)  In the previous academic year the short RE course had been taught to the whole of years 9 and 10.


Jed Stone from Bullers Wood said that RS was taught to all pupils in years 9, 10 and 11 at the school. Year 9 had two 50 minute lessons per week whilst years 10 and 11 both had one 50 minute lesson each week. The majority of pupils took the AQA short course whilst those who were more academically able took the full GCSE course.


Emma Honey remarked that in relation to current year 9 pupils the Department for Education had said all exams would be taken at the end of year 11. Some discussion followed, as Mr Stone did not believe that this was the case, according to information he had received. The Chairman expressed concern at the lack of clarity being given to schools regarding the future of RE. Reverend Varney did not feel the lack of clarity was acceptable. He went on to express appreciation and sympathy for the teaching staff in dealing with the unrest and uncertainty of the Government’s curriculum review.


The Chairman commented that the uncertainty could affect the welfare and development of children in the Borough and asked there was anything SACRE could do to help. Virginia Corbyn suggested that further clarification be sought from the Department of Education and Councillor Manning suggested that perhaps Bob Stewart MP could ask a question in Parliament about this. Councillor Adams commented that as he understood it, the uncertainty extended to all academic subjects. He considered it important to get MPs “on board”.


 (Mrs Colling had to leave  the meeting at this point.)


Emma Honey from Kemnal Technology College then commented on the teaching of RE. In the past examination results at the college had been poor. RE students had previously sat AQA examinations but now sat examinations of the Welsh Board. Every student undertook the full RE course and was expected to do this to the best of their ability. The examination results had improved dramatically (RE was taught for one hour each week). A Level RS had been introduced and there were currently five students in the group. Ms Honey commented that she was due to take 40 RE students on a trip to Amsterdam the following week.


In bringing this agenda item to a close the Chairman thanked the teacher representatives and commented that it was good to hear that RE was thriving in their schools.




(i)that the teachers’ presentations be noted;


  (ii)  that the Chairman seeks  further clarification from the Department of Education and contacts Bob Stewart MP regarding a question in Parliament.



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