Agenda item


Kevin Munnelly, LBB Head of Town Centre Planning Projects


The Head of Town Centre Renewal gave an update around Town Centre Development across the Borough.


Progress was continuing across the sites that made up the Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan.  The Council had received the judgement of the High Court with regard to the challenge from Linden Homes/Network Rail in relation to the number of residential units that could be accommodated on Site A: Bromley North.  The Council’s Legal Team were currently reviewing the judgement, which would be reconsidered at the High Court on 16th May 2012 to clarify the position regarding the site.  The Head of Town Centre Renewal also confirmed that Officers were in discussions with Transport for London to examine a business case for a potential extension of the Docklands Light Railway to Bromley North Station. 


Work was being undertaken to investigate the designs and costs associated with creating a temporary parking area at Site B: Tweedy Road which would provide an additional 100 spaces during the refurbishment of The Hill and the redevelopment of Westmoreland Multi-Storey Car Parks.  A Variable Message System would also be introduced to Bromley from September 2012 to improve traffic management across the town centre.


The Land Group had been selected as the Council’s development partner in relation to Site C: the Old Town Hall, and regular progress meetings had commenced.  A meeting had taken place on site with English Heritage and Cathedral Group’s consultants on 24th February 2012, and it had been agreed that the scheme’s architects would seek to bring forward a scheme which retained the ground floor of the Old Town Hall.


Work was ongoing on the refurbishment of Site E: The Pavilion and the new gymnasium was now open.  Contractors would remain on site until May 2012 with a continuous service planned throughout the redevelopment works.  With regard to Site F: Civic Centre, a decision had been made by Members’ for the Council Offices to remain on the site at the current time.


The Pin Notice and Information Brochure had now been published in relation to Site G, and a series of interviews had taken place with a number of potential development partners.  The improvement works at Site J: Bromley South had also commenced, with step free access due to be implemented prior to the start of the London 2012 Olympics.


The planning application for the redevelopment of Site K: Westmoreland Road Car Park had been approved by Development Control Committee on 6th March 2012.  This was subject to a S106 agreement and referral to the Greater London Authority, and Cathedral Group anticipated starting the 2 year build in Autumn 2012.  A pre-application enquiry for a mixed use, hotel-led development had been submitted by agents in respect of Site L: Former DHSS in November 2011 and Officers were in discussion with the owners around the potential to retain offices on site.


With regard to Site M: Queen’s Gardens, a planning application for the development of the terrace had been refused by Development Control Committee on 14th February 2012.  Officers were currently working with Capital Shopping Centre around how the proposals might be amended to overcome the reasons for refusal.  Sainsbury’s were considering future development options for their store based at Site P and, concluding that they were unlikely to be able to meet their future growth requirements from either an extension or on-site redevelopment, were examining alternate redevelopment options within the framework of the Area Action Plan.


Detailed design work had been undertaken in respect of Bromley North Village.  The scheme of improvements to the public realm had secured £2m funding from the Outer London Fund Round 2 and would now be expanded through other parts of the town centre when the scheme was implemented in January 2013.  Local businesses had been very supportive of the plans and following consultation, additional loading and parking provision had been introduced to the scheme.


In terms of development across the Borough, Officers were working with a new consortium that was seeking to implement a comprehensive improvement programme in the Walnuts Shopping Centre, Orpington.  Police had now vacated Orpington Police Station and alternate uses linked to health provision were being considered for the site.  The first phase of environmental improvements had been successfully implemented as part of the Penge Renewal Strategy, and the Outer London Fund Round One funded Empire Square public realm enhancement project was progressing with an expected completion date of 31st March 2012.  Work was also being undertaken to prepare a concept scheme for Beckenham town centre which would form the basis of a Step 1 Bid to the Transport for London Area Based Programme in September 2012.


The Director of Renewal and Recreation notified the Partnership that a Council Investment Programme had been developed, and that £10m had been allocated to acquire properties in the Borough to encourage regeneration and renewal.  The Chairman requested that members of the Partnership notify Officers of any shopping areas in need of improvement in the Borough.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.


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