Agenda item



Report ES12093


Following previous trials, TfL had granted full access for motorcycles to be used in bus lanes on the majority of London’s red routes from 23rd January 2012. Within Bromley there was only one TfL bus lane (Bromley Common, A21) and other bus lanes in the borough did not have such an exemption for motorcycle use. A decision was sought on allowing motorcycle drivers to use dedicated bus lanes throughout the borough.


Report ES12093 also outlined ongoing improvements to motorcycle parking borough-wide.


The Head of Traffic and Road Safety indicated that it was not appropriate for paragraph 3.5 of Report ES12093 to suggest there would be improved safety for motorcyclists if they were to use the borough’s bus lanes – research had not stated this, although journey times for motorcyclists could be reduced and congestion for them removed. It was also highlighted that Bromley Cyclists were not supportive of extending motorcycle use to all of the borough’s bus lanes; there was concern from cyclists that they might be more vulnerable by such a development.


The Chairman enquired whether it was necessary to change bus lane signage or simply choose not to enforce existing signage. In response, Members were recommended to support signage change to avoid confusion. Members were also advised that the one off cost to make signage amendments and to advertise alterations to the Traffic Management Order could be closer to £4k rather than £10k. Councillor Grainger supported a change of signage although was not necessarily supportive of the assessment by cyclists.


Concerning motorcycle parking, Councillor Grainger questioned why two motorcyclists parking their motorcycles in the same bay should both incur a Penalty Charge Notice. He also opposed the conversion of busy car park bays to motorcycle bays preferring odd spaces of car parks, not suitable for car parking, to be used for motorcycle parking. 


The Head of Traffic and Road Safety indicated that most land provided for motorcycle bays in Council surface car parks was space which would otherwise not be used. In response to a question from Councillor Fookes on whether a decision to implement the proposal would be reviewed, it was confirmed that casualty statistics would be monitored. Councillor Nicholas Bennett felt that it was safer for motorcyclists to travel in a bus lane. He also felt that motorcycle parking bays should be in designated places and sited in a good position within open space. Councillor Reg Adams felt that the recommendation to the Portfolio Holder should indicate that motorcyclists be permitted to use a moving motorcycle in all of Bromley’s bus lanes. 


Some further questions were asked by Members. Councillor Nick Milner asked whether some taxis were eligible to be used in some bus lanes and not others - it was agreed to confirm the position following the meeting. The Vice Chairman asked if it was possible to park motability scooters in motorcycle bays or whether other parking bays were set aside for such vehicles. Again, it was agreed to confirm the position following the meeting. 


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to agree that the drivers of moving motorcycles be permitted to use all of Bromley’s bus lanes (the bus lanes should not be used for parking motorcycles).


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