Agenda item

Bromley Local Plan


In May 2012, the Local Development Plan Advisory Panel (LDPAP) agreed that work undertaken in preparation of the Core Strategy be incorporated into a Bromley Local Plan to comply with the Government’s Planning Reforms.  At a Development Control Committee Meeting also held in May 2012, Members considered and agreed the preferred strategy and options in relation to housing, gypsies and travellers and the Green Belt which would form the major part of the Living in Bromley section of the Local Plan.  Members were now requested to agree the preferred strategy and options with regard to the remaining main theme areas of the Local Plan.  In early September, the draft Options and Preferred Strategy document would be reported to the Executive and approval would be sought for a six-week public consultation period.


Each option was considered as follows:-


Appendix A - Living in Bromley


Options 1a-1b - Councillor Ince was unsure of the suggested preferred option as areas within his Ward (Cray Valley West) would require regeneration rather than renewal.  The Head of Planning Strategy and Projects responded that Option 1 was preferred as it encompassed a broader range of areas.


Options 2a-2b - No comments.


Option 3 - No comments.


Appendix B - Supporting Communities


“Bromley 2030 Vision”, third line: - The word ‘choice’ should be replaced with a suitable alternative.


Options 1-1a - No comments.


Option 2 - No comments.


Option 3 - No comments.


Option 4 - One Member queried whether the recently acquired cemetary at Sidcup By Pass would create sufficient capacity without the need to seek further sites.  It was reported that advice given by officers was that further sites would be required over the lifetime of the plan.


Paragraph headed ‘Options for Education’ (page 16) - as the initial paragraph did not include reference to selective schools, the words ‘Academies and Free Schools’ should be deleted


Options 5-5b - With regard to Option 5b, the Chief Planner reported that the Local Authority would not be able to decide which educational establishments took on certain sites.


Option 6 - No comments.


Option 7 - No comments.


Options 8a-8b  - No comments.


Option 9 - No comments.


Option 10 - No comments.


Paragraph headed ‘Development Management Policies’ (page 17) - With regard to specific protections for facilities important to local communities, Councillor Michael suggested that libraries be added to the list.


It was also reported that at a meeting of the Local Development Framework Advisory Panel, Members had requested that the heading ‘Development Management Policies’ be changed to ‘Development Control Policies’.


Appendix C - Getting Around - Working Draft


Policy Options - Visions


-  Amend first sentence to read: ‘Moving around the borough is easier due to reduced road congestion and improved public and private transport networks.’.

-  5th line, amend sentence to read along the lines of: ‘Any new development might where appropriate, include electric vehicle charging points and there are more car clubs, increasing choices for local people.’.


2nd paragraph, page 20 - Discussion about uncluttered streets took place.


Officers should ensure that every option throughout Appendix C was marked as either ‘preferred’ or ‘not preferred’.


Options 1a-1d  - No comments.


Options 2a- 2b - No comments.


Option 3 - No comments.


Option 4 - Amend first sentence to read: ‘To promote the safe use of cycling, walking, public and private transport to improve access to services for all. 


One Member suggested that the Mayor should consider car parking with the use of Oyster Cards.


Option 5 - No comments.


Option 6- No comments.


Option 7 - No comments.


Option 8 - No comments.


Option 9 - No comments.


Option 10a-10d - One Member preferred option 10d as no funds were available to carry out DLR extensions.


The Chief Planner reported that Option 10d was not the preferred option of LDAFP Members.  Two possible further options were raised.


Appendix D - Bromley’s Valued environments - Working Draft


No comments.


Appendix E - Working in Bromley - Working Draft


Option 1A - The Chief Planner would check and confirm to Members the precise location of Footscray Business Area.


Options 2A- 2B - No comments.


Options 3A- 3C - No comments.


Options 4A-4D - No comments.


Options 5A-5E - No comments.


Option 1A.1 - The Chief Planner explained the background to the High Court challenge with regard to Site A and informed Members that the Local Authority had been instructed to do what was set out in option 1A.1.


Options 2A.1-2A.2 - No comments.


Options 3A.1-3A.3 - In option 3A.2, ‘designated’ should be replaced by ‘review’ or ‘recognise’ as Members were concerned that the word ‘designated’ could be open to interpretation.  Councillor Papworth suggested that Option 3A.2 should not be the preferred option at all.


Options 4A.1-4A.3 - No comments.


Options 5A.1-5A.2 - No comments.


Appendix F - Environmental Challenges - Working Draft


Options 1A-1B - Councillor Fawthrop commented that people who worked from home contributed substantially to the reduction in carbon emissions and suggested that reference could be made to the provision of adequate access to the internet was made available to all homes.


Options 2A-2C - No comments.


Options 3A-3B - No comments.


 Options 4A-4B - No comments.


Options 5A-5B - No comments.


Options 6A-6B - No comments.


Options 7A-7B - No comments.


RESOLVED subject to the comments and amendments suggested above that:


1)  the policy options as set out in the paper and appendices be incorporated in the Local Plan Options and Preferred Strategy Consultation document; and


2)  the basis of the consultation process for the Options and Preferred Strategy stage of the Bromley Local Plan be agreed.




A briefing note was circulated to Members informing them that the Department of Communities and Local Government had published three consultation papers together with a departmental response to an earlier consultation paper.  The four papers related to:-


a)  Relaxation of planning rules for change of use from Commercial to Residential - Summary of consultation responses and the Government response to the consultation.


b)  Statutory Consulter performance and Award of Costs - Consultation.


c)  New opportunities for Substantial Development and Grants Through the Reuse of Existing Buildings - Consultation.


d)  Streamlining Information Requirements of Planning Applications.


It was agreed that Members would consider the documentation and report any comments they may have to the Chief Planner.  The consultation period would end on 11 September and the Chairman’s response to the consultations would be reported to the September meeting of the Development Control Committee. 


Supporting documents: