Agenda item















Education and Care Services Plan for 2012/13:

Priority Framework Summary












Supporting improved quality of life through encouraging high aspirations, maximising independence, promoting healthy lives, and protecting the most vulnerable
















Education Portfolio

Priority Outcome 1

Children and young people enjoy learning and achieve their full potential.

Outcome statements

In Bromleychildren and young people:

î  (including those who are vulnerable and have additional needs), are supported to achieve their full educational potential and are encouraged to have high aspirations for their future;

î  have access to sufficient school places and specialist provision within the Borough;

î  enjoy attending school and have high-levels of attendance.


We aim to:

î  Redefine the local framework for school improvement - including teaching schools

î  Improve educational attainment in early years settings and schools, particularly:

o  between the lowest and highest attaining groups in the Early Years Foundation Stage;

o  increasing the pace of improvement by the end of their Reception Year at school;

o  narrowing the gap for children from low income families and their peers across all Key Stages;

o  vulnerable groups.

î  Improve attendance, especially in Primary schools;

î  Increase and enhance in-borough provision for children with disabilities and special educational needs, particularly residential placements for children with autism;

î  Ensure sufficient capacity of places in early years settings and schools,  particularly within the Primary phase, to meet the Council’s duties and

î  Successfully implement the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Green Paper Pathfinder Bid.


Priority Outcome 2

Young people get the best possible start in adult life.

Outcome statements

In Bromley children and young people:

î  make a successful transition from childhood into adulthood;

î  are supported from education in to appropriate employment, further or higher education, or training;

î  identified as vulnerable achieve maximum independence when moving into adulthood.


We aim to support:

î  all young people in the transition from education to employment, further/higher education or training, particularly the most vulnerable;

î  the transition of young people leaving care and moving into independent living, further/higher education, and employment;

î  the transition of children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities from Young People Services to Adult Services, and into independent living and employment.


Actions and performance measures are set out in full Departmental Business Plan available from


Joint Education and Care Services Portfolio Priority

Priority Outcome 3

Children and young people behave positively, take responsibility for their actions and feel safe within the Borough. Parents/ carers take responsibility for the behaviour of their children.

Outcome statements

In Bromleychildren and young people:

î  behave positively within their school, community and the
Borough, and take responsibility for their actions;

î  are supported to access opportunities for positive activities across the Borough;

î  and their parents and carers promote positive attitudes and behaviour to, and take responsibility for, their children.


We aim to:

î  Reduce the number of first time entrants in the youth justice system and reduce levels of re-offending;

î  Intervene early through integrated support to tackle challenging behaviour issues in early years settings and in schools;

î  Enhance opportunities for positive activities for young people across the borough;

î  Work with partners to reduce bullying, including cyber bullying, across the Borough, particularly when outside of school;

î  Encourage children and young people to take responsibility for their actions within and outside of school, and work with parents and carers to support them in taking parental responsibilities.


Actions and performance measures are set out in full Departmental Business Plan available from


Care Services Portfolio

Priority Outcome 4

Children and Young People are safe where they live, go to school, play and work.

Outcome statements

In Bromley children and young people:

î  are safeguarded and protected from harm, and are kept safe from bullying or crime;

î  in care are encouraged to have high aspirations for their future and are supported to achieve their maximum potential;

î  and their parents and carers are supported in their parenting role.


We aim to:

î  Ensure that vulnerable children and families are identified and supported at the earliest possible stage;

î  Sustain and develop a stable and high quality children’s social care workforce to safeguard children at risk;

î  Increase the number of in-borough family placements for children with more complex needs and disabilities;

î  Improve the outcomes of Children in Care through the effective use of Corporate Parenting;

î  Increase the timeliness and number of children being adopted;

î  Further strengthen the improvements in children’s social care services;

î  Ensure safeguarding arrangements in all key partner agencies are suitably robust.

Priority Outcome 5

Ensuring the health and wellbeing of children and young people, and their families

Outcome statements

In Bromley children and young people:

î  feel happy about their lives, and are encouraged to have happy and healthy lifestyles;

î  are supported in their caring role and are encouraged to realise their full potential;

î  and their parents/ carers are supported to develop bonding and positive relationships.


We aim to:

î  Use the Healthy Schools Programme to work with schools to improve the health and
wellbeing of all pupils within Bromley’s schools;

î  Improve provision of emotional wellbeing, mental health services and counselling
services for children, young people and families;

î  Strengthen the support provided to young carers;

î  Improve the health of children in care;

î  Successfully implement the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Green Paper
Pathfinder Bid.


Priority Outcome 6

Enhancing quality of life for people with care and support needs

Outcome statements

In Bromley, residents are offered effective choice and control over the services they receive to maintain independence:

î  People can maintain their independence and live their lives to the full, receiving high quality support when they need it

î  People seeking help from Care Services receive advice, guidance and services swiftly

î  People know the choices available to them locally, what they are entitled to and who to contact when they need help

î  People manage their own support so that it is delivered to meet their needs

î  People engage socially as much as they wish to avoid loneliness and isolation


We aim to:

î  Provide locally relevant information and advice about care and support need to enable choice and control;

î  Have a diverse market in care and support services to offer choice and control to service users and their carers by:

o  supporting people to remain in their own homes or extra care housing as an
alternative to residential care;

o  commissioning day care as a result of service users determining what (alternative) types of support they require;

o  modernising respite services for older people and people with learning disabilities;

o  commissioning a domiciliary care service to provide flexibility and enable service  users to exercise choice and control as to how they receive their care;

î  Provide choice and control over meeting support needs, enabling all service users to maintain their independence;

î  Utilise NHS funds to improve social care outcomes for older people and those with physical disabilities.



Priority Outcome 7

Maximise independence and reduce the need for care and support

Outcome statements

In Bromley, everybody has the opportunity to have optimum health throughout their life and proactively manage their health and care needs with support and information:

î  People experiencing housing difficulties are assisted with advice and support aimed at maintaining or securing a home and avoiding crisis

î  When people become ill, recovery takes place in the most appropriate place, enabling people to regain their health, wellbeing and independence

î  Earlier diagnosis and intervention means that people are less dependent on intensive services


We aim to:

î  Provide more health opportunities for those with diminished health to access healthy lifestyles

î  Support service users to stay independent for as long as possible

î  Focus on preventing homelessness by working in partnership to maximise and make best use of the supply and use of affordable housing


Priority Outcome 8

Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care and support

Outcome statements

In Bromley, social care service users and their carers are satisfied with their experience of care and support services:

î  People respect the dignity of the individual and ensure support is sensitive to each individual’s circumstances;

î  Carers can balance their caring roles with their desired quality of life;

î  Carers feel that they are respected as equal partners throughout the care process;

î  Service user views and experiences are gathered to help inform service developments, and concerns are responded to quickly and effectively;

î  Social care service standards are regularly reviewed to ensure they deliver a quality service and continue to maintain service users’ independence.


We aim to:

î  Better identify and support carers living in Bromley by:

o  ensuring service users and their carers have a voice in all aspects of service
planning, commissioning and quality monitoring of services

o  encouraging carers to identify themselves

o  supporting carers to remain mentally and physically well

î  Provide carers of people with dementia access to a comprehensive range of respite/short break services that meet both their needs;

î  Promote excellent customer service for those who experience our services.


Priority Outcome 9

Safeguarding adults whose circumstances make them vulnerable and protecting from avoidable harm

Outcome statements

In Bromley, everyone enjoys physical safety and feels secure: 

î  People are free from physical and emotional abuse, harassment, neglect and self harm

î  Instances of abuse of vulnerable adults are investigated promptly and effectively

î  People are protected as far as possible from avoidable deaths, disease and injuries


We aim to:

î  Focus on the prevention of abuse of vulnerable adults through the work of the Safeguarding Board and engaging with Partner Agencies;

î  Ensure that the workforce has the capacity, skills and expertise in safeguarding to deliver modernised services;

î  Continue to improve the delivery of services and reliability of contractors through Quality Assurance and Contract Monitoring.


Actions and performance measures are set out in full Departmental Business Plan available from