Agenda item



1)  The Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Safety made a Statement on SLAM and Bethlem Hospital in response to the oral question and request from Cllr Nicholas Bennett J.P.


2)  The Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation made a Statement on the latest situation concerning the provision of Christmas Lights in West Wickham High Street.



1)  The Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Safety made a Statement on SLAM and Bethlem Hospital in response to the oral question and request from Cllr Nicholas Bennett J.P. 


Councillor Stevens advised that since the Council agreed the Motion at its last meeting (Minute 24A – 25.06.12 refers) concerning breaches of security at Bethlem Royal Hospital, a further letter had been sent asking for a formal response to this but nothing had been forthcoming until 24th August 2012.  In their joint reply the Chief Executive and Chairman of the Hospital Board stated that they did not accept the Council’s conclusions on the way security was managed at the Hospital.  Councillor Stevens had therefore been shocked when subsequently he had been informed of a serious incident at the Hospital when Police had been called to deal with a disturbance amongst patients on the night of 30th September 2012.  He was aware that an independent review of this situation was being undertaken, the outcome of which was awaited.  However, the Police had informed Councillor Stevens that the SLAM staff were not properly trained to deal with the situation.  The Police were now having to do joint training with the SLAM Security Team to ensure that they were properly trained to deal with this kind of incident in the future. 


The Leader of the Council on being informed of the situation had sought to arrange a meeting with the Hospital’s Acting Chief Executive but had been told that a meeting was already arranged for 20th November 2012.  Soon after this the Leader was informed by a hospital member of staff of their concerns that with the closure of units elsewhere more dangerous patients were being brought to the hospital and that the recent incident had demonstrated that the Trust lacked the resources to manage dangerous patients.  After much persistence the Leader had finally spoken to the Acting Chief Executive on 25th October 2012 and expressed the Council’s deep concerns and lack of confidence in the Chairman of the Hospital Board.  Members were informed that the Leader of the Council, together with the Portfolio Holder and Chairman of the PDS Committee, Officers of the Council and the Police would be meeting with the Acting Chief Executive and his Team on 20th November 2012 when the Council’s concerns and displeasure at the way this situation had been dealt would be made very clear. 


The Portfolio Holder stated that he would continue to challenge SLAM when they failed to take the security of residents living nearby seriously and he would also continue to question their decisions and demand that they consult with the Council over any changes planned for the future.



2)  The Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation made a Statement on the latest situation concerning the provision of Christmas Lights in West Wickham High Street in response to a written question from Councillor Nicholas Bennett JP.


Councillor Morgan reported that Christmas lights had been displayed in West Wickham High Street for the past 20 years.  However, as a result of the High Street being made a Red Route TfL had taken over responsibility for it and had said they would not allow the lights to be displayed this year for Health & Safety reasons.  They had told local traders that if they wanted to go ahead with the lights they would have to pay for the lamp columns to be stress tested at a cost of £150 per column.  The Portfolio Holder explained that Bromley tested its lamp columns every 2 years.  As there were 20 columns in the High Street area such costs were prohibitive and it seemed that there would be no lights along the road.  Following numerous email messages between the various parties involved the Portfolio Holder was glad to announce that ‘sense to some extent had prevailed’ as TfL were now willing to allow wrap around Christmas lighting to be used this year in stead of the previous lighting at a cost of £75.  Councillor Morgan wished to place on record his thanks to James Cleverly the GLA Member, Officers of the Council, the local Residents Association and the West Wickham Town Centre Manager for all they had done in bringing about a resolution to the situation.