Agenda item



This report provided Members with the final Care Services Portfolio Plan for 2012/13 (Appendix 2) together with the most recent update on progress against the Quarter two Care Services aims contained within the Plan.

The portfolio framework and plan were developed over a period of time in consultation with senior officers and the Portfolio Holder and the framework was agreed at the June Care Services PDS meeting. 

Good progress was reported at the end of Quarter two with the update highlighting the work undertaken to achieve the portfolio aims. The summary showed that of the 34 aims due to be reported at this point in the year, 20 were on target (rated green) 13 were likely to be achieved by the end of the year (rated amber) and 1 was unlikely to be achieved (rated red). 

The Plan detailed the seven priority outcomes and supporting aims for the Care Services Portfolio.  Of these, Outcome three was a jointly held aim with the Education Portfolio and Outcomes four to nine related solely to Care Services.  Outcomes one and two related to the Education Portfolio and therefore did not form part of this report.


Members asked for clarification on a number of points:


  • Outcome 3 – Disability focussed youth club: The numbers for the usage of the Hawes Down Centre disability focussed youth club appeared to be low at 15-20 per session.  Officers would clarify the actual figures.


  • Outcome 4 – New foster carers: A Co-opted Member asked whether the figure of 16 new foster carers recruited since April 2012 was those recruited to provide placements for children with complex needs, who were particularly needed, or all foster carers generally. It was probably the latter, but this would be checked. 


  • Outcome 5 - Looked after Children (LAC) placements: Any child away from placement for 24 hours was, by legal definition, counted as a move.  The Chairman felt that a note for clarification should be added to the plan.


  • Outcome 5 - LAC dental and medical checks and immunisation plans: Members commented that the percentages seemed quite low; it was noted that there were sometimes problems with establishing whether children coming into care had been immunised.


  • Outcome 5 - Healthy Schools Initiative: Officers clarified that this referred to all schools including academies and independent schools. Members requested clarification on the numbers of school nurses - officers would provide this information outside of the meeting. The Chairman suggested that this aim should be flagged as red rather than amber.


  • Outcome 8 - Carers Assessments: It was explained that the aim was to encourage carers to have an assessment in their own right, rather than just as part of the assessment of the person they cared for.


  • Outcomes 6, 7, 8 & 9 - Self funders: Members asked if it was possible to identify “self funders” for domiciliary care.  The Director explained that the Council did not have the resources to gather this information and many self-funders would object to being included on council lists.


RESOLVED that the report be noted

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