Agenda item

(13/00333/FULL1) - Genden, Bickley Park Road, Bickley.





Description of application - Detached part one/two storey 3 bedroom dwelling with vehicular access, 2 car parking spaces and front boundary wall and gates on land to the rear of Genden and fronting St Georges Road.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED as recommended, for the reason set out in the report of the Deputy Chief Planner with a further reason to read:-

2.  The proposal constitutes an unacceptable form of garden development that would result in an unsatisfactory sub-division of the existing plot and would introduce a harmful level of noise and disturbance detrimental to the privacy and amenities of the occupiers of adjoining properties and out of character with the area, contrary to Policies BE1, BE11 and H7 of the Unitary Development Plan, Policy 3.5 of the London Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.


Supporting documents: