Agenda item

Review of Partnership Arrangements - New Approach


This report outlined the findings, outcomes and recommendations from the review of partnership arrangements that were supported by the London Borough of Bromley’s Education, Care and Health Services department.

The purpose of the review was to ensure that the partnership arrangements in place across the Borough for education and care services were fit for purpose, had an outcome focus, provided best value for money, removed duplication, and strengthened the voice of service users.

The Portfolio Holder provided a revised recommendation to replace the fourth recommendation “to continue to ensure that the Bromley parent Voice, Bromley Youth Council and the Carers Forum continue to provide effective engagement with the service users and the carers to enable them to shape the service planning, development and review, and to explore further ways of engaging other service user groups”


In light of the above members were advised to disregard appendix 6 of the report.


Members felt the revised recommendation clarified the situation.  They asked whether any savings would be realised from the proposed changes.  The Director explained that the rationale was always about ensuring the best services for residents and not just about savings.  However, it was estimated that the proposed changes could make a 50% saving.


Officers clarified that where appropriate some groups would be ending before March 2014. The Director explained there had been significant consultation on the proposed changes to ensure that organisations affected were clear about the timescales for the proposed changes. 


The Chairman requested that an update report would be brought to the Care Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee in March 2014 to review the new framework following implementation.


Co-opted members expressed their disappointment that there was very little representation from the voluntary sector on the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB).  The Director explained that there would be a representative from Healthwatch and one other voluntary sector representative on the HBWW which was double the requirements of the statutory guidelines for HWBB.


The Voluntary sector co-opted members felt that they would no longer have equal representation.  The Chairman responded that voluntary sector representatives were always welcome to observe any of the meetings, including HWBB, and their views and opinions were always appreciated.  The Portfolio Holder re-iterated this and added that the new structure was not to minimise voluntary sector input but to expand it. The new structure was built around a new way of working that was “fit for purpose”.


Concerns were raised about people with mental health needs and ensuring that volunteers had the knowledge to be able to support them.  Under the new structure there was concern that volunteers would not have the funding to offer the service needed by this vulnerable group.


Members also wanted to ensure that carers were still supported.  They welcomed the move to having a carers forum but were concerned that there was no mention of young carers in the report. 


The Portfolio Holder concluded saying that the production of the report and recommendations had been dealt with sensitively.  The object of the exercise was to look for a more efficient way of working.




1.  For the Executive Director for Education, Care and Health Services to become the accountable link between the Borough’s Health and Wellbeing Board and the new partnership arrangements;

2.  To bring together the partnership arrangements into a single, coordinated framework;

3.  To create Stakeholder Conferences for adult services and for children services to meet twice a year to actively involve partner agencies and service users in shaping business planning and priorities for the future;

4.  To continue to ensure that the Bromley Parent Voice, Bromley Youth Council and the Carers Forum continue to provide effective engagement with service users and their carers to enable them to shape service planning, development and review, and to explore further ways of engaging other service user groups.


5.  To transform some partnership groups to task and finish groups with clear terms of reference focused on delivering projects and tasks identified as priorities for the Borough;

6.  To encourage particular existing partnership groups to look at options of becoming user led self-funding bodies;

7.  To provide appropriate financial and officer support (as necessary) to partnership bodies within the new framework by refocusing the support that are currently provided to those that are to be disbanded; and

8.  To routinely review the effectiveness of the partnership arrangements prior to the commencement of each financial year.

9.  The Portfolio Holder is asked to recommend that the Children’s Services Stakeholder Conference performs the function of the Borough’s Children’s Trust Board to the Council Executive.


Supporting documents: