Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on 16th October 2013.



Report RES13180


The Committee considered the following reports on the agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 16th October 2013.


(5) Commissioning Review of Education Services

Report ED13085


The recommendations arising from the commissioning review of Education Services carried out as part of the Bromley Commissioning Programme were that (i) market testing should commence on the basis of a single bundle of services, (ii) discussions should commence with relevant schools on a contract for services for Primary and Secondary Hearing Impairment provision, and (iii) a limited  amount of in-house capacity be retained to ensure that the Council can provide appropriate strategic leadership.


The proposals had already been scrutinised by the Education PDS Committee on 17th September. The Committee had been very supportive of the proposals, subject to some legitimate concerns being addressed, as a result of which some amendments had been made to the report and to recommendation (iv) (b).  The Chairman of the Education PDS Committee commended Mr Lawrence Downes for providing an excellent report.


It was confirmed that schools were being informed of the proposals through the Primary and Secondary Headteachers’ Forums and that the Council was seeking involvement from schools in the market testing process. In addition, initial arrangements had been made to meet with the Darrick Wood schools to discuss the hearing impairment unit proposals, subject to Member decision. It was confirmed that the tendering process would be open for any staff-led social enterprises to express an interest. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(6) Beckenham Town Centre Improvements

Report DRR13/126


Following the unsuccessful funding application to Transport for London (TfL) in 2012/13 for the Beckenham Town Centre improvement scheme, an amended bid had been submitted to TfL supported by the Beckenham and West Wickham Town Centres Working Group and by local Ward Members. In support of the application it was proposed to set aside capital receipts of £726k and £150k from the Members Initiative earmarked reserve allocated for Beckenham Town Centre improvements as a match funding contribution towards the overall scheme costs of £3.257m a funding decision was expected from TfL in December 2013. 


It was confirmed that local residents and businesses had been involved in developing the proposals through the Beckenham and West Wickham Town Centres Working Group, and Ward Members on the Committee welcomed the improvements.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(7) Local Development Scheme Version 5, 2013-2015

Report DRR13/103


The report set out an updated version of the Local Development Scheme (LDS) which was the project management document for the production of the Local Plan for the Borough in 2013/15 and replaced the 2010 version. The Development Control Committee had considered the report at its meeting on 12th September 2013 and supported the proposals. 


The Chairman urged that efforts to implement the Bromley Community infrastructure Levy (CIL) should be accelerated.


A Member commented on the absence of Neighbourhood Forums and Neighbourhood Plans; officers explained that no neighbourhood forums had been established which was a prerequisite for a neighbourhood plan; while there were some progressing in parts of London there were none within LB Bexley or LB Croydon at the present time.


Members urged that consultation be carried out online wherever possible, with all policy documents available on the website; it was confirmed that there was an online consultation portal and that printing was kept to a minimum. 


Cllr Nicholas Bennett commented that it seemed to take a long time for planning applications to be validated.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(8) Crystal Palace Park – Exclusivity Agreement

Report DRR13/131


The Committee considered the development proposals from the ZhongRong International (Group) Limited (ZRG) to rebuild the Crystal Palace and restore Crystal Place Park in line with the Crystal Palace Park Master Plan. The report recommended that the Council enter into an exclusivity agreement with ZRG until 1st February 2015 to allow for further negotiations to establish whether an acceptable scheme can be developed. 


The Chairman welcomed the proposals but urged that agreement on heads of terms be sought as quickly as possible to establish exactly what the issues were. Other Members also welcomed the scheme, but commented that previous schemes had not been successful and that there would be some local opposition. It was confirmed that a team of senior officers had been established to manage the project, but it was likely that it would be necessary to buy-in skills.  Although the Park was well-served by public transport, it was recognised that environmental impact, traffic, parking and transport infrastructure would be major issues. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.

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