Agenda item



The Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Carr, attended the meeting to update the Committee on his work and answer questions. He began his presentation by dealing with budget issues, commending the work being done by Portfolio Holders and the Health and Wellbeing Board to integrate health and social care budgets – he felt that there would be further efficiencies found in these budgets. The public consultation meetings were revealing similar themes and very little agreement about what were low priority areas of spending, but good progress was being made. The Council did now have the opportunity to raise additional income by investing in business and development such as with the Westmoreland Road scheme. Good progress was also being made in Orpington with the new cinema, in Beckenham with the town centre improvements, with the case for the DLR being extended to Bromley being put to the GLA and the prospect of a £500m investment in Crystal Palace Park.  He highlighted the key role of PDS Committee Chairmen in responding to baseline reviews and commissioning work, ensuring that good quality services were maintained whether this might involve outsourcing or a range of social enterprises or management buy-outs, or working with other authorities and partners. He concluded by thanking Charles Obazuaye, Director of HR, and his staff for delivering the change to local pay. 


The Leader took comments and questions from Members as follows –


  • A Member asked whether, with regard to shared services, if a partner authority changed political control this would mean that the shared service would be affected. The Leader responded that Bromley already had successful shared contracts with Labour-controlled neighbours, and much depended on the terms of the service level agreements, which could be different for each partner. 


  • Asked about the Council’s strategic approach to reviewing what services might have to stop altogether the Leader explained that the approach was to examine all services, establish what was statutory, consider what level of service was required and maintain robust gate-keeping. This would be accompanied by consultation but the worst-case scenario was to have a list of options that would deliver a balanced budget.


  • A Member commented that the Council often seemed to be poor at delivery, listing a number of examples, and suggested that this was down to the quality of staff. The Leader stated that he too was frustrated by the delays to the works in the High Street and to improvements at West Wickham pools, but he suggested that contractors were possibly at fault in the High Street and that he would chase Mytime Active about investment at West Wickham. 


  • Cllr Nicholas Bennett asked about a decision to list a pub in Penge as a community asset – the Leader promised to provide details of the decision.


  • A Member asked what costs the Council might be liable for if it lost the appeals against the new local terms being made by eleven employees. The Leader responded that he did not expect the Council to lose.


  • Two Members commented on a business in Beckenham which might be re-locating outside the borough, and urged the Leader to be pro-active in working with local businesses. The Leader asked for details of this particular case, and stated that he was determined to create business opportunities in the borough. In relation to this, one Member suggested that money from the Wellcome site in Park Langley ring-fenced for the provision of industrial space or a business park should be used to regenerate the area – the Leader stated that he would look at this.


  • A Member commented that he had recently had a number of shopkeepers in Bromley town centre complaining to him, and he urged the Leader to be proactive in addressing their issues. The Leader stated that communication was very important, and that he was aware that ward Councillors had been very active in trying to resolve these issues.


  • A Member asked whether there had been a consistent approach to baseline reviews across all departments.  The Leader commented that he thought that current work was indeed much more consistent than in the past. 


  • A Member asked whether staff were being encouraged to suggest efficiencies.  The Leader responded that frontline staff often knew best what would work and that as staff numbers reduced or people were employed by contractors there was a need to be a decent employer and to treat staff with respect.


  • A Member asked whether the recent decision by Development Control Committee to grant permission for a scheme at 1 Westmoreland Road affected the business case for the development by Cathedral of the former multi-storey car park site on the other side of the road. The Leader accepted that there might be issues of timing, but he felt that the development would be more likely to increase the value of the Cathedral site – officers confirmed that Cathedral had been carefully consulted and were supportive of the other development. 


The Committee Chairman thanked the Leader for updating the Committee and answering its questions.