Agenda item

Renewal & Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 Monitoring Report for Quarter 2


Report DRR13/134


Members considered the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 monitoring Report for Quarter 2.


The report outlined progress made towards the delivery of actions agreed in the Plan and identified actions as priorities for delivery in Quarter 2.


Referring to page 44 of the agenda (Aim 2b), the Chairman informed Members that an e-mail received from the Chief Planner had indicated that 78% of minor applications had been validated within 10 working days during October and November which showed a significant improvement in the early stage of the application process which, in due course, would improve the overall processing time.  The RAG status was therefore designated as Green.


On page 42 of the agenda, the item relating to the development of a partnership steering group for Bromley Town Centre to incorporate key businesses, business groups and other town centre stakeholders, was given an amber RAG status in error; this was subsequently amended to green.


The development proposals for Bromley Valley Gymnastics and Cotmandene sites (page 46) was designated amber because officers had been looking at the broader range of Council services and those of Council partners ie. GP surgeries etc. in the area, to ascertain whether or not a multi-hub was required.  This had had caused delays in the process.  Members would receive an update in the New Year.


Referring to page 43 (Invest Bromley event), the Head of Renewal reported that a workshop had been organised which highlighted the lack of office space within Borough.  An Article 4 Direction restricting the change of use from office to residential use was authorised by the Development Control Committee at its meeting in October.  There were current proposals to expand office policies to encourage further development of sites for office use.  Councillor Tickner stated that the office rental market was decreasing and due to a variety of reasons including staff hot-desking and working from home, there would not be a great demand for take-up of offices.  The Chairman suggested that this was something which could be monitored.  Councillor Morgan disagreed and referred to Bromley as a first class location for office development, in particular, around the area of Bromley South railway station.  Councillor Dykes had been approached by residents asking where they could acquire office accommodation. 


Councillor Michael stated that the recession was coming to an end and there would be a demand for office space once the economy improved.


The Assistant Director for Leisure and Culture agreed to e-mail Members on the outcome of Quarter 3 in relation to the provision of housing (page 50).


It was noted that reference to the introduction of new street bin in Penge (page 41) should refer to the introduction of new bins.  The Director of Environment and Community Services assured Councillor Bance that matters relating to street cleansing, litter, dog fouling and refuse would be looked into by officers.  Due to the issues raised, Councillor Bance considered the RAG status for Penge should be red.  It was agreed that future reports would list the outcomes of actions for Beckenham, Penge and Bromley as individual items.


RESOLVED that the progress made towards the delivery of actions agreed in the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 for Quarter 2 as described in the Monitoring Report be noted.


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