Agenda item

Budget Monitoring 2013/14


Members noted the pressures in the Portfolio were in three main areas, Adult Social Care, Operational Housing and Children’s Social Care. The pressures became apparent at the end of the 2012/13 financial year but this trend continued in 2013/14 with the budget pressures increasing. Although there had been a slight reduction in overspend from the previous monitoring report the full year effect pressures continued to rise by £307k from the last report to £1,306k, mainly due to increases in domiciliary care and no recourse to public funds.


The money held across Adult Social Care (ASC) budgets the previous year, and the significant underspends in a number of areas, had given considerable flexibility for virement which would not be possible this year and therefore it was likely there would be a need to draw substantially on the winter pressures fund.


Concerns were raised that the changes in urgent care arrangements in late January could put pressures on frail carers as some elderly people were being discharged before they are ready.  It was agreed that this might be an area where Healthwatch Bromley and the hospital team may be able to consider.


In relation to this the Director reported that the PRUH was under considerable pressure and that solving the issues around A&E wait times and trolley waits would not be simple and would involve working with a variety of health professionals including GPs. However,no patient should be discharged into an unsafe environment.


In cases like this the Chairman urged members to bring such issues to the attention of the Director.  In addition Linda Gabriel reported that Healthwatch Bromley was working on these issues. It was noted that part of the problem was the difficulty in getting a GP appointment and therefore people were attending A&E instead.


Officers clarified the use of carry forward monies which sat outside the Care Services budget and was generally for specific items following agreement from the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee or the Executive.  In addition although the Winter Pressures monies could be used but there were conditions attached to its use.




1.  the latest projected overspend of £969k is forecast on the controllable budget, based on information as at November 2013 be noted;

2.  it be noted that it is assumed that the funding of £570k of the winter pressures expenditure is a one off and will be met by use of the winter pressure carry forward and that any approval of the release of the winter pressures carry forward will be subject to a report to the PDS Committee in March;

3.  it be noted that if this is agreed the net overspend will be £399k;

4.  the full year effect for 2014/15 of £1.306m before the release of any contingencies which has increased from £999k previously reported be noted;

5.  it be approved that the draw down from contingency of the Local Reform and Community Voices Grant of £64k for 2014/15 and that it be forwarded to the Executive for their approval;

6.  the Portfolio Holder is requested to approve the above.

7. the comments of the Executive Director in paragraph 6 be noted.

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