Agenda item



The Head of Education and Care Services Finance outlined the draft Education Portfolio Budget 2014/15, which incorporated future costs pressures and initial draft savings options and would be reported to the Council’s Executive on 15th January 2014 and the Education PDS Committee on 30th January 2014.  Members were requested to consider the proposed savings and identify any further action to be taken to reduce the cost pressures facing the Council over the next four years.


The Chairman noted that £950k of potential savings had been identified for the Education Portfolio which would offset a reduction of £550k in Education Services Grant.  Dedicated Schools Grant for 2014/15 had been set at £231m.  No figures had been provided for 2015/16 onwards, but it was hoped that some indication would be provided by Summer 2014.  The level of Education Services Grant remained a concern, and Members were advised that the Education Division would receive a total annual grant of £721k if all schools converted to academy status.


In considering Bromley Youth Music Trust, the Portfolio Holder for Education confirmed that the level of Local Authority funding to the Trust had been reduced by £20k for a fourth consecutive year.  A new Director had been appointed by the Trust and it was hoped that further work would be undertaken to identify alternate funding sources, such as the Arts Council or sponsorship by private businesses.  A Member highlighted the value of music workshops for children and young people which were delivered by the Trust across the Borough.  Another Member noted the importance of identifying how many children and young people in the Borough accessed Bromley Youth Music Trust provision.


Members of the Sub-Committee discussed the way in which children and young people were able to contribute to Council decision-making.  It was important to ensure that children and young people continued to have the opportunity for representation in Council decision making processes.  The Bromley Youth Council had recently undertaken some excellent work on cyber-bullying and was currently exploring issues around adolescent mental health, however Members were concerned that the current Youth Council model was not representative of all schools across the Borough and that the service was delivered at a relatively high cost.  Another Member noted that any consideration given to how children and young people contribute to Council decision making processes should also include the work of the Bromley Youth Advisory Panel. 


A Member underlined the high quality of provision at the Duke Youth Centre and requested that it not be included as part of any potential closure programme.  The Portfolio Holder for Education also highlighted the excellent work undertaken by the Phoenix Youth Centre, and noted the value of youth provision delivered at a number of other youth centres across the Borough.  There was scope to discuss how the Duke of Edinburgh Award might best be administered in future, with the potential for local academy schools or the Scout Association to be licensed to administer the scheme.




1)  The financial forecast for 2014/15 to 2016/7 be noted;


2)  Members’ comments on the initial draft savings options for 2014/15 be noted and,


3)  Members’ comments on the initial draft Education Portfolio Budget be provided to the Council’s Executive.