Agenda item



Report DRR14/008


Members considered the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 monitoring Report for Quarter 3.


The report outlined progress made towards the delivery of actions agreed in the Plan and identified actions as priorities for delivery in Quarter 3.


The existing contract for Christmas lights in Bromley, Orpington and Penge was in its final year of operation.  A detailed report would be submitted to the next meeting of the R&R PDS Committee on 1 April 2014.


Discussion took place on the criteria adopted for designating RAG status. A number of items were assigned as green despite no particular action or result being recorded. 


Councillor Michael referred to the future management and operation of the Cotmandene Community Resource Centre and the Mottingham Community and Learning Shop and asked if the centres would close if no suitable operator was identified.  Members were informed that at the last R&R PDS meeting, it was reported that funding for both centres would continue for 2014/15 so this was no longer a budget issue.  Councillor Michael stated that this should have been reflected in the business plan for the current meeting.  Councillor Ince commented that as the continuation of funding only related to 2014/15, the centres would need to be considered as vulnerable in later years.


Referring to the environmental monitoring visits on page 119, Councillor Bance reported that she had constantly attempted to get environmental issues resolved without success.  In this respect, the RAG status should be amber and she considered the plan should be written with more openness.


In relation to Pro-Active Bromley (page 127), it was reported that £20k had been obtained for funding a capacity building officer.  A larger bid of £300k had been submitted to fund sports over the next three years.


Commenting on the 'red' status for determination of planning applications (page 125), the Chief Planner stated that the number of incoming major and minor applications fluctuated from quarter to quarter.  The percentage of major applications for the current quarter were slightly higher than the previous quarter.  Incoming minor applications had recently increased with 80% being determined in December 2013 and 75% in January 2014. 


The remedial actions taken to increase the number of applications determined were gradually taking effect.  Although the new system of each application being dealt with by one case officer still applied, some officers had to be taken off this task to deal with problems which had arisen in regard to telephone enquiries etc.  This issue should balance itself out over time.


Councillor McBride said it would be useful to have sight of the number of applications dealt with in each quarter as opposed to just percentage figures.  The Chairman suggested that a column be included to show the amount of work undertaken.  The Chief Planner reported that 18 major, 140 minor and 593 other matters had been dealt with during the last quarter.  He also reported that income levels were also being monitored as a major concern.  The current income received was £200k ahead of expectations. 


Councillor Bance suggested that enforcement statistics be included in the report so Members could see what action had been pursued and undertaken.  Members were informed that compared with other boroughs, Bromley was the most active in regard to enforcement action.  Staffing levels had been reviewed and a good ratio existed between officers and the number of notices issued. 


Councillor Michael requested further information on the work being undertaken with Bromley College to launch and market a project to support young unemployed residents into sustainable employment (page 130).  As no clear outcome was reported, Councillor Michael considered the RAG status should be amber.  The Assistant Director, Leisure and Culture stated that a report would be submitted to the Executive and Resources Committee on 5 February 2014 with the recommendation that the relationship between the Council and the College in regard to the scheme be discontinued.  At the time the current Business Plan was drafted, the College had achieved sufficient progress to warrant a green status however, since that time the College has reported that it could not go through with particular aspects of the contract.


It was suggested that a Member Working Group be established to look at how the budget could be handled and how Members could become involved in getting youngsters into work.  Councillor Dykes suggested that Members take into consideration what was happening elsewhere in the Borough.


It was reported that the ongoing strategic work with Registered Providers to minimise affordable stock disposals (page 133) would not affect tenants' right to buy.  Kerry O'Driscoll, Head of Housing Development and Strategy would be invited to update Members at the next R&R PDS meeting on 1 April 2014.


The Chairman asked Members to send him their ideas on what they believe should be included in a new action column in future Business Plan reports.


RESOLVED that the progress made towards the delivery of actions agreed in the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 for Quarter 3 as described in the Monitoring Report be noted.


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