Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on 12th February 2014.



Report CSD 14027


The Committee considered the following reports on the part 1 agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 12th February 2014.


(5) Budget Monitoring 2014/5

Report FSD14009


The Committee considered the fourth budget monitoring report for 2013/14 based on expenditure and activity levels up to November 2013. The report also highlighted significant variations that would impact on future years and early warnings affecting the year end position, and recommended releasing various funds from contingency.


Councillor Neil Reddin requested an update on the financial position regarding The Glades – this would be circulated outside the meeting.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(6) 2014/15 Council Tax

Report FSD14014


The report set out the final issues affecting the 2014/15 revenue budget to be recommended by the Executive to full Council, including the level of the Bromley element of the Council Tax and the schools budget. Confirmation of the final GLA precept would be reported to the Council meeting on 24th February 2014. The views of the other PDS Committees would be circulated before the Executive’s meeting.


The Director of Finance reported that the referendum limit had now been confirmed at 2%, but there had been pressure within government for this figure to be reduced. The welfare fund had been a new responsibility for the Council added in 2013, but the government had indicated that funding would be withdrawn in 2015/16. He expected that expenditure in 2013/14 would be about £400-£500k, within a budget of £800k. The fund was to assist vulnerable people who the Council would probably have a statutory duty to fund under social care or homelessness legislation, so this would be a major pressure. The Leader had already written to the Government asking it to reconsider (appendix 1).


Questioned about the reserves which were £131m in 1997, the Director confirmed that reserves had fallen considerably but in recent years the levels had improved with front-loaded savings and reserves not being used to keep down the Council Tax or fund the capital programme. There were now various funds including Economic Development and Investment, Invest to Save, and various risk funds, and a  general reserve of around £20m. Any underspends would be directed to the Economic Development and Investment Fund which provided a means of achieving sustainable income for the Council for the future.

A Member commented on the level of the contingency in the 2014/15 budget at £13.7m, which he considered could lead to complacency about keeping within budget. The Director advised that this sum reflected many variables and risks and also included key cost pressures not allocated to Portfolios at this stage, for example, homelessness. He added that as the budget reduced there was less flexibility and that there would be robust policing of expenditure.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


 (7) Capital Programme monitoring Q3 2013/14 and annual Capital Review 2014 to 2018

Report FSD14015


The report summarised the current position on capital expenditure and receipts following the third quarter of 2014/15 and presented new schemes from the annual capital review process for approval as part of a revised capital programme.


The Director of Finance undertook to investigate whether it was necessary for individual portfolio holders to take formal decisions to confirm the capital programme for their portfolios after the capital programme was agreed by the Executive. 


The Committee noted that the Bromley Mytime Investment Fund was a two year contribution and that the payments were not likely to be made until 2014/15. Members were assured that the Fund would be reviewed. It was also noted that work was progressing on the new Free School Meals Capital Grant.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(8)  Appointments to the Framework for Various Public Health  Services

Report CS14018


Following a tendering process to establish a Framework of Providers for various Public Health Service categories, the Executive was asked to appoint the providers.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(9)  Request for Carry Over of Funding for Public Health Weight Management Pilot Schemes

Report CS14011


The report proposed that funding of £98k was carried forward from 2013/14 to 2014/15 for two weight management pilot schemes to evaluate the most effective interventions for weight management to prevent diabetes and circulatory heart disease. The report had also been considered by the Care Services PDS Committee, which had supported the proposals though with some reservations, suggesting robust monitoring and evaluation at regular intervals.


It was confirmed that there were a range of measures in place to assess outcomes, including heart age which could be very motivating. Members sought reassurance that the progress of individuals could be sustained beyond the immediate span of the projects – officers were discussing this with Weight Watchers and Slimming World. It was confirmed that GPs were involved in referring patients to these projects, so details would be on medical records.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(10)  Procurement Strategy for Tenancy Support Services for Homeless People

Report CSD14035


The proposal was to agree a procurement strategy for tenancy support services for homeless people living in hostel accommodation. The report had been deferred at the Executive’s meeting on 15th January to enable Care Services PDS Committee to comment on the proposals.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(11)  Gateway Review 0, 1 and 2: Approval of 2014/15 Operational Building Maintenance Budgets, Planned Maintenance Programmes and Preferred Procurement Option

Report DRR14/018


The report set out the proposals for operational building maintenance budgets, planned maintenance programmes and the preferred procurement option.


The Chairman commented that the budgeted costs for some of the projected works appeared to be quite high and needed to be scrutinised; he was assured that all work would be competitively tendered. It was explained that the heading “Education Non Schools” was CIPFA terminology and covered buildings such as children’s centres. It was confirmed that local companies from within the borough were able to bid for work under these programmes. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(12)  Review of Councillor IT and Telephone Support

Report CSD14022


The range of IT and telephone support provided to Councillors had been reviewed and it was proposed to move to simpler arrangements after the 2014 election based on provision of a tablet computer and either a basic Council mobile phone or a fixed phone allowance. The proposals had been referred to full Council by General Purposes and Licensing Committee and the Executive was asked to add its comments. 


It was noted that the proposals would provide substantial savings in the Member support budget over the life of the next Council. There were reservations about having to rely on tablets to read documents, but it was noted that tablets were designed to give a better reading experience than conventional PCs and laptops. Members wanted the tablets to be easy to access without excessive and intrusive security restrictions, and wanted to be able to control more than one email address.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


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