Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on 10th June 2014.


(6)  Provisional Final Accounts

     Report FSD14032


The report summarised the 2013/14 provisional outturn as well as the potential implications for the Council’s financial position in 2014/15. The report showed an overall net reduction in balances of £1.2m (before carry forwards from 2012/13.)


The Queen’s Speech contained some proposals that would have an impact on local government finances, including a Care Bill and transfer of responsibility for local land searches, which currently provide income, to the Land Registry.


The Committee requested a report updating them on the performance of invest to save projects. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported, and a report be submitted on the performance of invest to save projects. 


(7)  Capital Programme Outturn 2013/14

    Report FSD14042


The report set out the final outturn on capital expenditure and receipts for 2013/14. Capital expenditure amounted to £25.2m compared to the final approved budget of £33.6m. £5.4m of this was due to delays in completing the acquisition of High Street properties, and £3m was mainly due to slippage on capital schemes. A review  would be carried out in July to re-prioritise any dormant schemes. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported. 


(8)  Economic Development and Investment Fund

     Report DRR14/055


The report provided an update on the Council’s Economic Development and Investment Fund and recommended the allocation of an additional £13.792k from general reserves. Individual proposals would still need specific approval from Members. 


The Chairman of the Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee commented that he was dissatisfied with the process as his Committee had not had examined some of the proposed development opportunities listed in the report, and he requested a report on Site G for their next meeting. Councillor Will Harmer added that Bromley Town ward councillors had also not been consulted on some of the town centre development sites listed before they were made public. The Committee requested better consultation with PDS Committees and ward councillors. 


Some members commented that there appeared to be a degree of confusion between the different objectives of development and investment within the same fund; officers confirmed that the individual opportunities could be either or both, but all would need individual approval from Members. 


The Local Plan report to the Executive in February 2013 had identified three main growth areas in the borough at Biggin Hill, the Cray Business Corridor and Bromley Town Centre, but it was too early for more detailed priorities to be finalised. Members commented that other areas should not be forgotten, such as the Kangley Bridge Industrial Area, Elmers End and the Klinger site, and the Council should be working with the neighbouring local authorities. The Director of Finance reported that from 2015/16 the New Homes Bonus would be top-sliced into the Local Enterprise Partnership, which would require regional working across South East London, but it would be important to ensure that Bromley received a fair share of the resources available. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported. 


(9)  Invest to Save Schemes – Adult Social Care – Outcome of Investment 

    Report CS14064


The report provided an update on the adult social care and day opportunity invest to save projects. The Executive was requested to note the return of £352k to the Council’s central contingency, agree the carry forward of £488,920 to 2014/15 in order to complete the adult social care invest to save projects and confirm the allocation of £264,390 invest to save funding for the reconfiguration of day opportunities for older people.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported. 


(10) Gateway Review – Learning Disability Supported Living Schemes

    Report CS14040


It was proposed that five learning disability supported living schemes and contracts accommodating 32 people that would all end on 10th January 2015 would be grouped together for tendering. Officers confirmed that in this case the economies of scale were genuine and achievable.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported. 


(11) Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Funding Request

     Report CS14039


The report set out the implications of a recent Supreme Court judgement relating to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. The judgement had increased the volume of applications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards with substantial financial implications for all Councils, and the Executive was asked to approve the drawdown of Local Reform and Community Voices Grant to meet the new legal requirements. There were expected to be further developments in the national situation and Department for Health guidance. The Committee asked for further details of the customer impact and the projected annual costs to be circulated. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported. 



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