Agenda item



Report DRR14/024


The Executive Committee had formally agreed budget reductions identified for 2014/15 which included a proposal to reduce the Library Service budget by £300k.


The report outlined the scope of the proposed changes to the Library Service to achieve the budget saving and sought Members’ views on the proposals.


The Chairman invited Staff Side Secretary, Mr Glenn Kelly to address the Committee.  Speaking on behalf of staff across the Borough, Mr Kelly reminded Members that two years ago a similar proposed scheme was rejected as being unviable for the community. The current proposed £300k reduction in the Library Service budget was in addition to the £340k already lost through the introduction of shared services in libraries.  The loss of 414 working hours per week would have a significant impact on staff and this did not include the closure of Penge/Anerley Library and the opening of a new one. 


If the proposals were accepted, this would result in libraries being closed more hours than they were open.  The proposed cuts were more severe than those considered by Members two years ago.  As the Council was being forced to make so many reductions, Mr Kelly was concerned that the final objective could be for the closure of libraries. 


Mr Kelly emphasised the importance of the library service for the residents of the Borough and urged Members to reject the proposals.


The Chairman outlined the recommendations in the report currently before Members and assured Mr Kelly that no libraries would close.  He commented on the necessity for the Council to look at how well resources were being used and suggested that the introduction of more community hubs was a possible way forward.


Councillor Bance shared Mr Kelly's concerns and pointed out that since the closure of Anerley Library had been approved, no discussions had taken place with regard to the introduction of a much needed community hub in Anerley.  Councillor Bance was informed that due to the current condition of Anerley Town Hall, it was necessary for a structural survey to be carried out.  Discussions concerning a viable offer were currently being held and the project was continuing.


Councillor McBride asked what efforts were being made to attract community use in St Pauls Cray, Mottingham and Southborough libraries.  These areas in particular had a high rate of young children and elderly residents.  As two of the most socially deprived areas in the Borough, the Council should be looking to extend library services within Mottingham and St Pauls Cray as opposed to reducing them. 


The Assistant Director of Leisure and Culture reported that the proposals as set out in the report for the future of the library service were currently being consulted upon.  Officers were engaging with library visitors and seeking their views and a number of staff comments had been received concerning the day to day use of libraries.  The targeted survey was currently being carried out on different days during different periods of opening hours and on a broad section of users to gauge reaction to the proposals from as broad a sample as possible.


Councillor Tickner emphasised the need to look at the broader picture including the current UK economic situation.  The Local Authority had to deal with cuts in grants across the board and the library service was not exempt from this.  He therefore considered that the proposal to reduce opening hours was preferable to library closures. 


Councillor Ince pointed out that St Pauls Cray Library was open at the same time as Cotmandene Resource Centre and commented on the importance of having at least one of these services available to residents on a daily basis.


Councillor Michael commented that unlike many other local authorities, Bromley had not closed a single library and this was something to be proud of.  Whilst sharing other Members' concerns with regard to the reduction in opening hours, if the proposals were unfeasible, this would be shown in the result of the consultation. Councillor Michael supported the idea of transforming libraries into community hubs. 


It was anticipated that reports relating to the combining of services to create activity hubs would be submitted to Members in the new Municipal Year.


Councillor Phillips commented on the necessity to ensure that neighbouring libraries were not closed at the same time and suggested that adequate provision be made for people with difficulties to be able to travel to their nearest alternative library when their local one was closed.


With regard to the discontinuation of the Mobile Library Service, it was reported that aside from school visits, the service was rarely used.  It was necessary to ensure that library facilities remained available to housebound people and nursing home residents.  The Assistant Director for Leisure and Culture suggested that the current Home Library Service could be expanded to cover a wider range of people ie. those with mobility difficulties who may be currently using the Mobile Library Service.


Councillor Bance did not support the discontinuation of the mobile service.  She also rejected the suggestion that volunteers be used to cover staff during periods of sickness and annual leave as they were not contracted staff and were therefore not obliged to turn up.


 It was reported that although the Council had been in discussion with library staff since early December 2013, it was too early to say what impact the proposals would have on staff and whether redundancy/voluntary redundancy would be an option.  A new staffing structure would need to be created to enable the introduction of new working hours.  There were currently a number of staff vacancies and the monies set aside for those posts was currently being used to pay extra staff when necessary. 


At this point, Councillor McBride proposed a motion that the report and a decision concerning operating hours be deferred until such time as full individual library assessments had been carried out and submitted.  There was also not enough information at hand to consider the discontinuation of the Mobile Library Service.  Councillor Bance seconded the motion.


Following a vote of 2-5, the motion to defer the report and a decision concerning operating hours fell.


It was reported that no further changes were proposed which would affect back-office services.  The merger of back-office services with Bexley Borough Council had been extremely successful and had resulted in libraries remaining open.


The Chairman urged library staff to write to him or their Ward Members with their views on the proposals.


Councillor Morgan confirmed that the Council's Cabinet had agreed that proposals for a community use hub at Anerley would be continued.


RESOLVED that the report be noted and that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:-


1)  confirm the basis of the proposed changes subject to the outcome of consultation with regard to the following:-


(i)  the proposed changes to operating hours;


(ii)  the deletion of the mobile library service; and


(iii)  the market testing of some functions relating to site management for library buildings.


2)  request that the outcome of staff, library users’ and site officers’ consultation be reported back to Members at the next Renewal and Recreation PDS meeting on 24 June 2014 for decision by the Portfolio Holder.


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