Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the next Executive meeting.



The Committee considered the following reports on the part 1 agenda for the meeting of the Executive on 24th March 2015.


(5)  Budget Monitoring 2014/15

Report FSD15024


The Committee considered the fifth budget monitoring report for 2014/15 based on expenditure and activity levels up to the end of January 2015. The report forecast a net underspend of £478k and set out cost pressures, significant variations and early warnings. It proposed the release of £120k grant funding from Central Contingency for Helping People Home and the creation of earmarked reserves for surplus rental income generated from properties used for temporary accommodation purchased from payment in lieu funds and for the Welfare Fund. It also recommended that Council establish a Financial Planning/Risk Reserve.


The Committee discussed a number of particular spending pressures across the portfolios. There was a projected overspend on Waste Services (offset by underspends elsewhere within the portfolio) due to a decline in the tonnage of paper collected and an increase in residual waste collected. This reflected national conditions, but was possibly due to fewer newspapers being printed and an overall increase in consumption as the economy improved. Government restrictions on the use of CCTV for parking enforcement would also have an impact on income. In Care Services, the budget position had improved slightly but further savings had to be found, because whilst the in- year cost pressures had been managed down the department still had cost pressures of £2.9m that would impact in 2015/16.  Given the financial pressures over the next four years, it was important that officers managed within the overall resources available and took immediate action as overspends were highlighted. Changes in Government grant conditions made it difficult to manage pressures in the Adult Education budget, and new solutions were being sought following the ending of the market testing process. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(6)  Phase 2 – Drawdown of Government (New Burdens) Grant Funding held in Contingency to Support the Local Authority in Implementing the Special Educational Needs Reforms

Report ED15082


The Government had provided New Burdens Grants in 2014/15 and 2015/16 to assist local authorities in meeting their statutory duties to deliver reforms in Special Educational Needs. It was proposed to carry forward an underspend in 2014/15 to 2015/16, and to approve drawdown of part of the 2015/16 grant. 


The report had been supported by the Education Budget Sub- Committee on 3rd March 2015.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.



(7)  Approval of Procurement Strategy for Basic Needs Projects


This report had been withdrawn.


(8)  Gateway Review 0, 1 and 2 approval of 2015/16 Education Building Maintenance Budgets, Education Planned Maintenance Programme and Preferred Procurement Options

Report DRR15/018


The report set out the maintenance budget for education buildings and the preferred procurement option for the programme. The Government funding announcement had been later than usual, but Members complained that the report had not been scrutinised by Education PDS Committee. The Chairman indicated that there was a general need to ensure that committee reports were prepared according to deadlines.


It was confirmed that the budget would reduce as more schools moved to academy status, and only the highest priority schemes could be funded. The Chairman of the Education PDS Committee commented that the report did not provide a picture of the overall context or what local academies were receiving from the Education Funding Agency. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(9)  Allocations Scheme Review

Report CS14125


The Executive was being asked to approve revisions to the allocations scheme to be implemented with effect from July 2015, subject to delivery from the IT systems provider of the required system changes.  The proposals had been supported by Care Services PDS Committee on 4th March 2015. 


A Member queried whether applicants assessed as being intentionally homeless should be placed in Band 4, even if this allowed them only a reduced priority. This would be considered. Another Member sought clarification on the Council’s stance with regard to supporting private landlords.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(10)  New Homes Bonus and High Street Fund Allocations

Report DRR15/022


The Council had been successful in submitting project proposals under the New Homes Bonus top-slice and the GLA’s High Street Fund programmes, and approval was sought to add the projects to the Capital Programme and to formally request release of the top-slice funding. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.



(11)  Passenger Transport Contract

Report CS14139


The current Passenger Transport Framework Agreement, used for the delivery of transport by the Special Educational Needs Transport (SENT) team, was due to expire in August 2015. The vehicle hire agreement for the delivery of the Adults Transport Service had been extended to end in November 2015. The delivery of these two services had been market tested to ascertain if significant cost savings could be realised by contracting either element or holistically delivering these services through alternative means. It was proposed to award the contract for Adults Transport Services to a single provider for a period of three years and nine months from 1st December 2015 with an option to extend for a further period of up to two years. 


The proposals had been supported by the Care Services and Education PDS Committees.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(12) Joint Parking Services Contract Gateway Review

Report ES15020


The current parking operations and enforcement contract with Vinci Park Services expired in September 2016, coinciding with the planned end date for LB Bexley’s parking contract with NSL. It was proposed to procure parking services through partnership with LB Bexley using the British Parking Association Parking Management and Associated Services Contract.


The report would be considered by the Environment PDS Committee on 17th March 2015.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(13) Variation to the Grounds Maintenance Contract to Provide a Wholly Managed Service

Report ES15021


The Leader indicated that he would be asking for this report to be withdrawn.


(14)  Crystal Palace Park

Report DRR15/020


Following the end of the exclusivity agreement with ZhongRong International Group (ZRG) it was proposed to proceed with work towards a new form of governance for the park and to proceed with six capital projects for improvements in the park in line with the Masterplan, funded by £160k in capital receipts and £2m from the GLA.


RESOLVED that the report be considered by Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee on 18th March 2015 as a matter of urgency.


(15)  Land known as Beckenham Green Located Between High Street and St George’s Road for Registration as a Town or Village Green

Report CSD15041


At its meeting on 25th November 2014 the Development Control Committee had declined to register Beckenham Green as a Town or Village Green, but had referred the report to the Executive for the Council to consider voluntarily registering the land.


Councillor Russell Mellor, as ward councillor, commented that the Green was a valuable local asset and he supported voluntary registration. However, other Members of the Committee considered that there was no reason to go against the clear officer advice that the land already had sufficient protection. 


RESOLVED that the Executive be recommended not to seek voluntary registration.


(16) Council Motion – Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character

Report SCD15039


At the full Council meeting on 23rd February 2015 a motion had been moved by Councillor Simon Fawthrop and seconded by Councillor Douglas Auld proposing an amended statement in the Unitary Development Plan to provide additional protection for the Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character (ASRC.) The motion had been referred to the Executive for decision.


RESOLVED that the recommendation be supported.


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