Agenda item


(Report to follow)


Report DRR14/062


Members considered the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 Monitoring Report for Quarter 4.


The report outlined progress made towards the delivery of actions agreed in the Plan for Quarter 4 and against all actions for the year 2013/14.


As some information was duplicated in other reports to Committee, the Chairman requested that Members e-mail him with any suggestions they may have as to how the actions delivered and identified could be better scrutinised at future meetings.


Referring to Aim 2b (page 28), Councillor Michael was disappointed and concerned to note that the determination of minor applications had continued to fall behind target and questioned the reason for this as it appeared that determination of other types of application had improved.  It was agreed that the Chief Planner would be requested to circulate an updating statement in this respect.


The huge increase in applications received, together with a cutback on staff, had contributed to the continuing problems.  Staffing issues were being addressed but this would take time.  It was confirmed that the delays in determining minor applications had not led to an increase in appeals.  To ease current pressures, Councillor Tickner suggested contracting self-employed town planners on a fixed basis. The lack of communication from planning officers was also alluded to.  It was agreed that a comprehensive report concerning minor applications and the current staffing position be submitted to the next PDS and DCC meetings and the Chief Planner be requested to attend.


The Chairman noted that £173k from Sport England’s Community Sports Activation Fund had been awarded to Pro-Active Bromley to work with clubs and community groups to increase and sustain participation in sport for people over 14.  Officers agreed to circulate a detailed briefing paper outlining how the award had been utilised in each ward.


Discussions were continuing around restoration and development proposals for Bromley Museum.  Details of this would be reported to Members at a future PDS meeting.


With reference to Aim 4b (page 36), Members requested an update on the number of homeless people/families currently within each Ward together with information on the location of each of the five properties acquired by the Council


Aim 1e (page 47) referred to the production of Growth and Delivery Plans for the Borough's strategic employment sites in Biggin Hill, Cray Valley and Bromley Town Centre.  The Chairman asked that detailed reports for individual areas be submitted to future meetings outlining the work undertaken in this respect.


Aim 3d referred to the project by Bromley College on behalf of the Council to support young unemployed residents with sustainable employment opportunities through the creation of apprenticeships and internships.  Unfortunately, the College had misjudged admission figures and although the apprenticeships programme had been successful, internships had not been delivered.  The contract with Bromley College had now been terminated and the Working Group would review the scheme and report back to a future meeting of the Committee.  Councillor Bosshard supported the Council’s commitment to supporting young people into employment but emphasised the importance of ensuring correct delivery of the scheme in order to achieve success.


Members were informed that a feasibility review on the potential for a Heritage Centre at Biggin Hill Airport would be undertaken.  The Biggin Hill Working Group would reconvene to consider proposals and a report would be submitted to the PDS meeting in September.


RESOLVED that the report be noted and the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:-


1)  note the progress made towards the delivery of actions agreed in the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 for Quarter 4 as described in the Monitoring Report;


2)  note the progress made against all actions in the Renewal and Recreation Business Plan 2013/14 across the year as described in the Summary Report; and


3)  agree the draft Renewal and Recreation Portfolio Business Plan 2014/15 subject to any amendments or additions.


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