Agenda item



The Police Update was provided by the Deputy Borough Commander, Superintendent  Parm Sandhu.


The statistical data relating to MOPAC 7 targets was positive. Overall crime was down, and theft and burglary crime figures had reduced. There was however an increase in the number of crimes with injury; non-domestic abuse was up by 23%, and domestic abuse had increased by 15%. It was noted that there had been a change in the way that offences against the person were being reported. Previously, minor assaults against the person would have been classified as “actual bodily harm”, but under the new reporting procedures, they were classified as “grievous bodily harm” instead; this had resulted in an increase in the number of serious offences against the person recorded.


The Deputy Borough Commander informed the Committee that the response time for Bromley Police when dealing with emergency (I) calls, was good. During October 2014, 91.4% of I calls were responded to within the target time, and in November this response time was maintained in 91.8% of calls.


The Deputy Borough Commander advised the Committee that Operation Equinox was currently ongoing; this was an operation to reduce the number of crimes involving injury, and was concentrated in Beckenham Town Centre.

The police had resourced one sergeant and six police constables to this task. This was taking place on Friday and Saturday nights, and the police were using a meet and greet policy. Additionally, many of the licensing establishments had employed extra stewards at key times to aid dispersal and to encourage the public to leave promptly in taxis. Street Pastors were also being used to help diffuse situations.


The Committee were informed that Operation “Bumble Bee” was also in operation, and that this was an initiative designed to reduce burglary. One sergeant and four police constables had been allocated to this task, supported by the Territorial Support Group. There had been a spate of robberies recently at various Tesco Express sites in Bromley, Kent and Croydon. Two offenders had now been arrested and charged with ten offences.


Councillor Botting enquired why the burglary rates had dropped. The Deputy Borough Commander responded that this was due to a variety of reasons, including better intelligence, the use of marked cars, the use of a dedicated burglary car, and secondary investigations by CID. Also, more offenders were being caught and were being kept in custody for longer. 


The Committee heard that the recent evacuation of the INTU shopping centre in Bromley, was caused by a suspicious van parked in a staff parking area. It transpired that the vehicle belonged to a painter and decorator, and that was why there were barrels and wires observable in the vehicle. The evacuation of the centre had taken forty five minutes, and the Deputy Borough Commander was pleased with that. Councillor Cartwright expressed his congratulations to the police for a speedy and efficient evacuation. 


Councillor Auld asked what the current levels of police staffing were. The Deputy Borough Commander answered that staffing levels were currently four hundred and eighty six, compared with a recommended level of four hundred and fifty nine under the London Policing Model; this included all staff.


Councillor Philpott queried if there were any problems with the police accessing vehicles; the Deputy Borough Commander assured the Committee that there were no issues concerning police vehicles. The Deputy Borough Commander further informed the Committee that there had been an increase in domestic violence cases being reported. The police were now using body worn video equipment which had resulted in a 30% increase in guilty pleas, which was the highest increase in the MET.


The Chairman enquired if better lines of communication had been set up with UKBA. The Executive Director of Environment and Community Services informed the Committee that high level assurances had been received from UKBA that past problems would not be repeated. 


RESOLVED that the Police Update be noted.