Agenda item



Report DRR14/096


In accordance with contractual arrangements between the Council and Mytime at the point of transfer of the services and the updated agreement dated 1 November 2011, Mytime submitted its Annual Report for 2013/14 for Member consideration.  


The report outlined Mytime’s achievements for the year and previewed it’s future spending proposals for 2015/16.  In particular, Members were asked to consider the release of £330k from the Investment Fund to upgrade facilities at the Beckenham Spa.


The Chairman extended a warm welcome to Dennis Barkway, Marg Mayne, Deborah Weekes and Matthew Roberts, representatives from Mytime Active.  The Mytime Active representatives were commended for producing an excellent and informative report, full of ‘good news’ stories but were questioned about the lack of financial information on investment figures for Bromley.


Ms Mayne explained that Mytime worked in a commercially sensitive environment.  Profits were not distributed to shareholders but were carried forward to the following year for reinvestment purposes.  Of the £31m income achieved last year, £29m was reinvested.


The healthcare cost for Bromley was significant so the benefit of activity was important.  It was reported that 24% of people in Bromley undertook less than 30 minutes exercise per week and 1 in 4 people did even less.  Special value was also placed on sport and other activities which helped to build a strong fabric of community.


The Primetime programme focussed on providing facilities for older people.  The following changes had been implemented in order to meet community need:-


·  A Primetime Manager and Co-ordinator had been employed to consult with older people and identify needs.  Over 60 dedicated sessions had been held and attendance had increased ten-fold.


·  New people had been recruited, trained and deployed as ‘Primetime Buddies’, the majority of whom were volunteers whose role was to ‘meet and greet’.


·  An annual social calendar of events had been introduced.


Mr Barkway explained that Mytime no longer operated joint facilities with schools, most of which had taken over sole responsibility.  Mytime did, however, operate a before and after school club and also actively engaged with 59% of schools by offering swimming lessons.


Bromley Mytime had successfully engaged people in community activities with enthusiasm being shown once again this year for The London Youth Games.  800 people had already registered for this year’s Santa Dash. 


Investment-wise Mytime had achieved the following:-


·  With regard to the Health and Well Being agenda, over 1000 people had been referred to Mytime via their GPs.


·  A successful social impact - A programme or service for older men was currently being identified.


·  Human capital - Mytime employed 1,200 staff which included work experience people, apprentices and volunteers.


·  £350k was spent on equipment during the past year.


·  £330k is proposed to be spent on expanding facilities at the Beckenham Spa from the Investment Fund.


Councillor Michael was impressed with the increase in attendance figures and supported the proposal to upgrade Beckenham Spa. 


The Chairman commended Mytime for the grants provided by them and for the charity work they undertook throughout the year.


Mr Barkway alluded to an increase in competition within the Borough and the possibility that there may be difficult times ahead. 




1)  the report be noted: and


2)  the Portfolio Holder be recommended to agree the release of £330k from the Investment Fund to upgrade facilities at the Beckenham Spa.


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