Agenda item

Beckenham Town Centre Major Scheme

(A) Overall Progress and Update (attached)


(B) Discussion on Roundabout Options for the Traffic Model Testing


(A) Project Update


The Working Group received a project status report – the project was currently running on target. Information from topographical surveys and utilities surveys had been received and was being used in developing the designs. It was expected that TfL would finish their work auditing the traffic models within the next week or two.  A report from the Bromley Cycle Group was awaited – this would be chased up at the next Town Team meeting.


Officers suggested that the design approach was progressing well for the main stretch of the High Street, but more work was needed to develop the major elements at each end; TfL were encouraging a more radical approach. Some Working Group members had reservations about this, and commented that the roundabout currently worked well for traffic and should not be changed. Another member raised objections to the use of speed humps and squared-off corners, and reminded officers to ensure that surface water drainage was provided for in the designs. It was confirmed that there were no speed humps – only very gentle gradients to provide for improved pedestrian crossing facilities as in the Bromley North Village scheme, and that the corner designs had been tested for swept paths. 


The Chairman stated that East and relevant professional officers should be represented at all meetings of the Working Group. Officers explained that East were present at most meetings, but more regular attendance had not been factored into the budget.


The Chairman reported that Manor Road had been incorrectly labelled Manor Way on one of the plans on the website.


(b) Roundabout Options for Traffic Model Testing


Five potential options for the roundabout were presented for discussion. The Working Group was encouraged to set aside the traffic issues for the moment and consider the junction from a pedestrian’s point of view, and as an important setting for listed buildings and the war memorial. One of the issues was the limited space outside the cinema, which created bottle-necks and did not allow people to assemble there. Members suggested that there was plenty of pavement space on other sides of the junction in front of Barclays and the Post Office. 


TfL had already made clear that a solution with four crossings through the centre of the roundabout would not be acceptable. While a traffic light controlled junction could work for traffic, it was unlikely that it would be a good solution for the town in other respects. It was noted that three options for the roundabout area would be drawn up by East to be tested by the traffic model in the new year.


Most members favoured options that kept the roundabout largely unchanged. While some welcomed making the war memorial more accessible, others suggested that its isolation protected against vandalism and metal theft. A lowered surrounding wall was one possibility. 


Most working group members agreed with the view that imaginative thinking was required for the options to be tested with a focus on improvement for the pedestrian environment outside the cinema and post office.


It was noted that the cinema had recently been refurbished on the outside. The Chairman invited everyone to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony that coming Sunday, at which he would be laying a wreath. A member reported that he thought the lights were not working – this would be checked. It was confirmed that all 19 memorials in the borough under the Council’s control had been cleaned ready for this year’s services. 


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