Agenda item



Report CEO1054


The Sub Committee received a report providing an update on the progress of the Organisational Improvement Programme definition phase following the commissioning of this work by the Improvement and Efficiency Sub Committee on 21st October 2009.


The Assistant Director: Organisational Improvement outlined the three areas of cross-cutting work.  These were the Customer Access Programme, Oneway Programme and Mobile and Flexible Working Programme, and included workstreams around Civic Centre accommodation, reception points, website upgrade and voice recognition. 


In relation to the workstream around Civic Centre accommodation, discussions were currently taking place with the Primary Care Trust (PCT) to relocate their staff to the Civic Centre site whilst the future of the service was considered.  A potential co-location of partner services on the Civic Centre site would provide an additional income stream and would also enable further integration of delivery of front line services and greater efficiency in back office functions. 


The Assistant Director: Organisational Improvement explained that the plan of property works was in an advanced stage of development and would be considered by the Programme Board shortly.  This plan identified a range of options regarding the future development and usage of office accommodation across the Civic Centre site for the consideration of Members.  A Member underlined the importance of encouraging services to reduce their usage of office space where appropriate.  The Assistant Director: Organisational Improvement highlighted that a range of options were being considered to incentivise better use of space. 


Regarding future delivery of face-to-face customer service by Bromley Council, Members discussed a range of issues.  The potential to develop a ‘one-stop shop’ in Bromley Town Centre was considered.  A Member highlighted the importance of selecting the right location, and also noted that establishing customer service hubs in town centres might increase congestion.  Another Member underlined the value of bringing local partners, such as the PCT and Police, into any ‘one-stop shop’ provision.  Councillor Grainger highlighted the potential for a number of local community hubs across the borough.  It was also important to consider how more complex service enquiries might be accommodated in future.


In terms of the proposed upgrade to the website, a detailed specification had been produced regarding the future look and functionality of the website.  However initial quotes had been disappointingly high.  The Assistant Director: Organisational Improvement explained that the potential to invest in the existing web platform to provide additional functionality was now being considered.  This would provide a better ‘look’ and higher level of functionality for the website, but would negate the need for big investment until support for the existing platform expired in 2014.  A Member asked whether an off-the-shelf product might provide the necessary functionality.  The Assistant Director: Organisational Improvement underlined the complexity and range of services delivered via the website, which suggested a more bespoke provision was required, but noted that investigations were ongoing into a range of potential products.  A Member welcomed the caution shown as it was important to ensure future website development was both fit for purpose and good value for money.


RESOLVED that progress made on the first phase projects within the Organisational Improvement Programme be noted. 

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