Agenda item

(14/04112/FULL1) - Sundridge Park Management Centre Ltd, Plaistow Lane, Bromley





Description of application - Erection of pedestrian and vehicular entrance gates with railings and turning head.


It was reported that further objections to the application had been received.  Comments from the Rights of Way Officer and late comments from the applicant were reported and it was also reported that the Tree Officer had no objection to the application.

Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION be GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions set out in the report of the Chief Planner with a further condition to read:-

“3. No development shall commence until an arboricultural impact assessment for the protection of trees shown retained both on and immediately adjoining the site and as described by British Standard BS 5837:2012 is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The arboricultural impact assessment shall be accompanied by a tree protection plan and method statement detailing means of any special methods of construction for excavation, foundations and new hard surfaces. Once approved the works shall be implemented as specified in the method statement prior to the commencement of work on site, and shall be maintained to the Local Planning Authority’s reasonable satisfaction until the completion of the development.

REASON: To ensure that works are carried out according to good arboricultural practice and in the interests of the health and amenity of the trees to be retained around the perimeter of the site and to comply with Policy NE7 of the Unitary Development Plan.”


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