Agenda item



The update on the Tackling Troubled Families Programme was given by Mr Mark Thorn (Head of Referral, Assessment and Early Intervention).


The Group were informed that:


·  Bromley had been set a target of 490 interventions and these had been achieved in full

·  The target had been exceeded and 575 had been reached

·  94% of the targeted families had been “turned around”

·  LBB was the 5th highest performing (out of 33) London Boroughs

·  Phase 1 was a national agenda set without local consultation

·  Phase 2 had commenced with local authority consultation


Mr Thorn briefed the Strategic Group that Phase 2 was a new five year programme and that LBB had a target to reach 1660 families. He explained that to be eligible for the expanded programme, each family had to be shown to have at least two of the following problems:


·  Parents and Children involved in crime or antisocial behaviour

·  Children that have not been attending school on a regular basis

·  Children who need help

·  Adults out of work and at risk of financial exclusion

·  Families affected by domestic violence and abuse

·  Parents and children with a range of health problems


The Group were informed that in order for LBB to benefit from “payment by results”, it would need to be demonstrated that progress had been made, and that this progress was sustained. A Pan London agreement on a Tackling Troubled Families Outcome Plan was being developed. It was clear that this would require effective partnership working and to collate that data required to validate outcomes would be data intensive; the outcomes would also be subject to audit and scrutiny. If claims could not be validated, then LBB would lose the results based payment of £800.00 per family, and could end up with having to pay money back to the DCLG.


It was explained to the Board that the technology needed to be adequate so that data and information could be collated from all partners, which would subsequently stand up to audit and scrutiny. This project was going to be commissioned, and that the plans for this would need to be signed off by the Tackling Troubled Families Strategic Board. 


The Group heard that a designated domestic violence support worker would be assigned to work within the MASH (Multi Agency Support Hub) team at least once a week. It was acknowledged that Housing Services would play a key role in allocating suitable accommodation to those in need. 


Concerning finance, Mr Thorn informed the Group that as well as the £800.00 bonus payment for results, there was also an initial attachment fee payable of £1000K. In total this worked out as £1800.00 per family, which was £4k less than the maximum allowed under phase 1. It was a case of achieving far more with less money. It was hoped that if LBB and partners could intervene at an early stage, then this would have the cost benefit outcome of saving money on more expensive interventions. A cost benefit analysis calculator would be built in to phase 2.


RESOLVED that the update on Tackling Troubled Families be noted.