Agenda item


Members of the Committee are requested to bring their copy of the agenda for the Executive meeting on 15th July 2015.



Report CSD15089


The Committee considered the following reports on the Part 1 agenda for the Executive’s meeting on 15th July 2015.


(7)    Budget Monitoring 2015/16

Report FSD15047


The Committee considered the first budget monitoring report for 2015/16, based on expenditure and activity levels up to the end of May 2015.


A Member noted that there was a projected shortfall in rental income for properties financed by the Investment Fund of £649k. Officers responded that several additional properties were being looked at and they expected to meet the target.


Due to recent legislative changes regarding parking enforcement by CCTV, there was a projected deficit of £856k. Officers were reviewing the service and would come forward with options for Members to consider, but it was noted that raising revenue was not the aim of parking enforcement.


A Member commented that some of the forecasts appeared to represent a pessimistic, worst-case approach when more accurate, prudent projections were called for. He added that this approach appeared to have contributed to the change in the outturn figures for 2014/15.


RESOLVED that the report be noted and the recommendations be supported, and the Executive be urged to take action to address the forecast net overspend of £614k.


(8)   Capital Programme Monitoring – 1st Quarter 2015/16

  Report FSD15046


The Committee received the first monitoring report on capital expenditure and receipts following the first quarter of 2015/16. The report also sought approval from the Executive for a revised capital programme.


A Member sought further information on what the Autism Capital Grant was used for – officers undertook to circulate information on this.


Members discussed section 106 receipts and the time limits for spending the money received by the Council. This depended on the precise drafting of each agreement, but generally after five years the applicant could request that an agreement be modified, leading to a risk of unspent money having to be returned, although this had not happened in Bromley. The Chairman pointed out that there had been extensive discussions at the last meeting on section 106.


Members discussed the revenue contribution to the Bromley Mytime Investment Fund.  This matter was being considered by officers and had been scrutinised recently by Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee.


In relation to the Housing Zone Bid for Site G, officers confirmed that discussions were taking place with the GLA about housing zone status. If GLA funding could be obtained this could assist in making housing schemes more viable. 


RESOLVED that the recommendations be supported.


(During the course of this item Councillor Nicholas Bennett declared an interest as a Council appointed trustee of Bromley Mytime and pointed out that as such he would not participate in any Committee discussions about Bromley Mytime.)


(9)   Council Tax Support/Reduction Scheme – 2016/17

  Report FSD15037


The report provided information on the financial effect on the Authority of increasing the minimum contribution that working age claimants were required to pay towards their Council tax liability, as requested by the Executive on 14th November 2014. The Committee discussed the merits of phasing the increase over two years and the effect on collection rates and staff time of demanding a higher proportion.


Officers stated that it was not possible for the Council to quantify the effect of benefits changes on individual claimants.  The report had been written before the recent Budget and the impact of this would need to be assessed.  


Consultation would need to take place on the proposals once they were agreed by the Executive.


RESOLVED that the recommendations be noted.


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