Agenda item



Report CS15909a


Members received details of the tendering process for future delivery of Adult Social Care Learning Disabilities (LD) Services along with a recommendation for award of contract.


The services were tendered through a competitive dialogue process and throughout April and May 2015 officers worked directly with Southside Partnership (Certitude) as the preferred provider for LD services comprising Day Opportunities, Respite/Short Breaks, and Supported Living.


Previous Executive approval to work with Southside Partnership as preferred provider enabled officers to engage directly with staff and service users to inform the final tender. Report CS15909a summarised how Southside Partnership would take forward the services of Day Opportunities, Respite/Short Breaks, and Supported Living. The offer included support for the transformation needed to sustain the services into the future. Awarding the contract to Southside Partnership would also deliver an in-year saving of approximately £30k for 2015/16 (part year), and an average saving of over £250k per annum thereafter. 


In view of cost and quality benefits, it was recommended that the three services be awarded to Southside Partnership for a period of five years from 1st October 2015, with an option to extend for a further period up to, but not exceeding, two years.


It was intended to improve the service, providing an independent, modernised, and more personalised approach. Details were outlined of staff consultation and engagement with service user families, including the opportunity for service users and families to meet the new providers. Awarding the contract to Southside Partnership would provide the best outcome for LD services.  


Councillor Angela Wilkins (Crystal Palace) was sceptical on improving the services if savings were to be made. Monitoring arrangements also seemed unclear and evidence was necessary for more personalised services (community based provision) rather than traditional day centres. Councillor Wilkins also expressed concern about the consultation process and highlighted a need for transparency.


On monitoring arrangements and service levels, it was explained that the current level of service reviews would continue – this being a requirement under Social Care legislation for any care service provided for identified needs. The progress of service users against individual care plans was also monitored and would continue to be undertaken by Council staff. There was also a Quality Assurance Framework - performance against the Framework being reported to the Care Services PDS Committee. This included safeguarding matters and monitoring complaints.


A number of questions had been raised at the recent Care Services PDS meeting and it was highlighted that answers had been fully provided in material appended to Report CS15909a.


The Leader indicated that as much as possible was being done to protect services and considered that consultation in relation to the future delivery of LD services had been achieved to a good standard.


Members all agreed to support the recommendation and it was RESOLVED that the contract for Adult Social Care – Learning Disabilities Services, be awarded to the Southside Partnership for a period of five years from 1st October 2015, with an option to extend for a further period up to, but not exceeding, two years.


Supporting documents: