Agenda item

(15/00998/FULL6) - 13 The Glebe, Chislehurst, BR7 5PX





Description of application – Part one/two storey side/rear extension, glass balustrade to rear balcony, conversion of garage to habitable accommodation and elevational alterations.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.  It was reported that further objections to the application had been received.

Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION be GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions and informative set out in the report of the Chief Planner with an amendment to Condition 5 and two further conditions to read:-

“5.  Before the development hereby permitted is first occupied the

proposed window(s) in the first floor flank elevation shall be obscure glazed to a minimum of Pilkington privacy Level 3 and shall be non-opening unless the parts of the window which can be opened are more than 1.7 metres above the floor of the room in which the window is

installed and the window (s) shall subsequently be permanently

retained in accordance as such.

REASON: In the interests of the amenities of nearby residential

properties and to accord with Policies BE1 and H8 of the Unitary

Development Plan.

7.  The flat roof area over the rear ground floor element of the part one/two storey side/rear extension shall not be used as a balcony or sitting out area and there shall be no access to the roof area.

REASON:  In order to comply with Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the amenities of the adjacent properties. 

8:  The existing privacy screen between the first floor rear balconies at Nos.12 and 13 The Glebe shall be permanently retained.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy BE1 of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of the amenities of the adjacent properties.”


Supporting documents: