Agenda item

(15/02867/OUT) - Norlands Gate, Norlands Crescent, Chislehurst, BR7 5QY





Description of application – Proposed replacement dwelling to that permitted within application 92/00944 - outline permission for appearance, landscaping and layout.


Comments from a local resident in objection to the application were reported together with comments from Highways Division.

Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION be GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions set out in the report of the Chief Planner with three further conditions and an Informative to read:-

“13.  The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years, beginning with the date of this decision notice.

REASON: Section 91, Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

14.  Before commencement of the use of the land or building hereby permitted parking spaces and/or garages and turning space shall be completed in accordance with the approved details and thereafter shall be kept available for such use and no permitted development whether permitted by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any Order amending, revoking and re-enacting this Order) or not shall be carried out on the land or garages indicated or in such a position as to preclude vehicular access to  the said land or garages.

REASON: In order to comply with Policy T3 of the Unitary Development Plan and to avoid development without adequate parking or garage provision, which is likely to lead to parking inconvenient to other road users and would be detrimental to amenities and prejudicial to road safety.

15.  Whilst the development hereby permitted is being carried out, provision shall be made to accommodate operatives and construction vehicles off-loading, parking and turning within the site in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and such provision shall remain available for such uses to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority throughout the course of development.

REASON: In the interests of pedestrian and vehicular safety and the amenities of the area and to accord with Policy T18 of the Unitary Development Plan.

INFORMATIVE:  The developer should liaise with the owners of the road to agree monitoring of the condition of the road and any possible remedial work.”


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