Agenda item



Report ED16002


Members were updated on outcomes following consultation with staff, their representatives, stakeholders, and service users, on a proposal to restructure and reduce the adult education service.


The service had faced significant grant reductions in recent years and funding allocation would be devolved regionally to meet identified needs in local skills from 2017/18. Additionally, Ofsted had identified uncertainty for the service’s strategic direction and a lack of agreed plan to address overspend. Ofsted also felt that more community learning grant should be used to support disadvantaged local communities and disengaged adults.


As such, the restructure focused on adults and communities with the greatest need and the curriculum offer at the Kentwood Centre, Penge and Poverest Centre, Orpington would expand. Closing the Widmore site would save approximately £173k and mainstream recreational classes would reduce, although some would relocate to the Poverest and Kentwood sites.Thenew structure was intended to be in place by 1st August 2016.


Following consultation, various local community organisations were approached to identifyalternative ways for continuing a wide range of adult learning activities. Training would also be sought to help tutors provide courses independently and a signposting facility on the Council’s website would be established for courses.


Materialappended to Report ED16002outlined:


·  the Director’s response to staff consultation;

·  responses to the public consultation;

·  details of courses currently available at the adult education sites, numbers of tutors in each curriculum area, rates of pay, and accommodation information;

·  alternative provision currently availablein borough and in adjoining boroughs;

·  an Equality Impact Assessment on likely impacts of the proposed changes and actions that could address these.  


The report was considered by the Education PDS Committee on 19th January 2016 and the published minute of the Committee’s consideration of the item was tabled following earlier circulation to Executive Members. The Committee also considered a petition urging the Council to keep the Widmore site open for Adult Education, the minute for this also previously circulated and tabled.


The Portfolio Holder for Education provided background on the need to consider the restructure. It would not be a case of seeing a number of leisure courses cease; rather, extensive work had been undertaken to find new providers for courses. The Portfolio Holder also highlighted a need to have good signposting for the future provision of courses. 


Although disappointed that the restructure was necessary, and concerned for any social care implications, the Portfolio Holder for Care Services considered the action necessary given the need to prioritise financially, the Council’s financial position leaving little alternative. However, It was comforting that work had been taken forward on alternative provision as outlined at Appendix 4 to Report ED16002.


Referring to adult education benefiting the wider community, Cllr Alexa Michael (Bromley Common and Keston) preferred to see courses currently provided from Widmore provided at the Kentwood and Poverest Centres where possible. She asked that small equipment at Widmore be moved to Kentwood and a flexible approach adopted. The College could then offer as broad a curriculum as possible. Where it is no longer possible the service to provide activities, Cllr Michael encouraged working with community groups to provide the courses. Some leisure courses at risk were particularly specialised such as jewellery and pottery and Cllr Michael suggested it would be helpful to have alternative providers in the BR1/BR2 areas to accommodate such provision. Cllr Michael further encouraged support for tutors wishing to offer courses independently.


Recognising the benefits of adult education, the Portfolio Holder for Education referred to the need for action given the financial position and he looked to community groups to take on some of the courses. Appropriate signposting would also be provided.


In further comment, it was noted that many school rooms were unused during the evening perhaps providing a venue opportunity for courses and specialised equipment. Highlighting the importance of retaining adult education in the borough, Cllr Nicholas Bennett JP (Chairman, Education PDS Committee) referred to detailed scrutiny last year confirming that change was needed. Cllr Bennett also highlighted his Committee’s resolutions on the matter. In considering course venues, Cllr Bennett suggested that the Ripley Arts Centre was underused as were many church halls; U3A could also be an alternative provider for certain courses. Although it was proposed to close the Widmore site, free travel to the Kentwood, Poverest and independent sites was possible for those aged 60 and over. Cllr Bennett also referred to Floodlight as a London-wide source of information on courses available in London boroughs. It was confirmed that residents would be able to record their adult education interests on MyBromley for signposting information on providers.


Referring to difficult decisions having to be taken for all services, and for services to be provided in the most efficient and effective way, the Leader suggested that the proposed restructure of adult education would provide longer term security for leisure courses at different locations. In this regard, the Leader suggested that church premises be considered as possible venues for some courses.


In agreeing the recommendations in Report ED16002, Members supported all resolutions on the matter by the Education PDS Committee at their meeting on 19th January 2016.




(1)  proposals to proceed with the reorganisation of the Adult Education Service be agreed; and


(2) the potential redundancy costs, estimated at £566k, be funded from the Council’s Transformation Fund, as detailed at paragraph 10.3 of Report ED16002.


Supporting documents: