Agenda item



Dr Nada Lemic presented the report on the direction of travel for the HWB Strategy. It was noted that in 2013 the highest priority areas were categorised as:


·  Dementia

·  Diabetes

·  Children with Mental and Emotional Health Problems

·  Obesity


Subsequent to publication of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, it was now time to consider what the strategic priorities should be going forward. The Board had to decide if new priorities were emerging. 


Dr Lemic tabled a document consisting of 4 large coloured squares, providing a graphic visual display of which health areas were improving, and which were getting worse. It also showed which areas were considered as low and high burdens.


The areas of high burden that were improving were:


·  Life Expectancy

·  Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke

·  Cancer

·  Smoking


The areas of high burden that were worsening were:


·  Diabetes

·  Adult Obesity

·  Alcohol Misuse

·  Dementia


The areas of low burden that were improving were:


·  Teenage Pregnancy

·  Suicide in Adults

·  Substance Mis-Use


The areas of low burden that were worsening were:


·  HIV

·  Self-Harm and Emotional Wellbeing in Young People

·  Homelessness


The Chairman stated that he would like to have an outline discussion on the day, with the intention of considering the issues in greater depth at the next meeting. The Chairman felt that alcohol misuse needed a closer examination. He also felt that the issue of Carers and Carers’ Health was an area that should be regarded as a possible priority. Another issue that he deemed as a possible strategic priority was “falls” in the aged. The Chairman expressed the view that the Obesity Sub Group should remain, and that the Dementia Sub Group should remain for the short term. Concerning Diabetes, the Board should consider if LBB should now move forward with the Bromley Diabetes Network. Cllr Ruth Bennett was of the view that this was the best course of action, and that there was no need for a parallel group. 


Cllr Bennett enquired if the term “burden” was volume related or financial; it was clarified that this was quantitative. Cllr William Huntington Thresher considered that childhood obesity should be a strategic priority, and was not keen on the idea of alcohol misuse being classified as a strategic priority. Dr Lemic considered the level of childhood obesity to be plateauing. Cllr Page and the Chairman agreed that the remit of the Obesity Sub Group be extended to include childhood obesity. Mr Ian Dallaway asked if the data concerning alcohol mis-use could be provided, and Dr Lemic stated that she would provide the data for dissemination. 


The Chairman was minded to incorporate an agenda item concerning alcohol mis-use at the next HWB meeting and Annie Callanan was interested in more detail being provided around the data showing an increase in the level of self-harm committed by young people. A question was asked concerning the mental health of young people coming into Bromley from other Boroughs. It was noted that Dr Jenny Selway had undertaken some work with other boroughs concerning this, and that it would be a good idea if she could attend the April meeting to provide an update to the Board. 


Linda Gabriel expressed concern over the growing problem of homelessness. Her concern was that homeless people may not be getting proper access to GP services and medical care generally, including mental health services. Cllr Thresher noted that with respect to homelessness, the Board had to be clear about what they could provide. Annie Callan stated that as far as homelessness was concerned, it was prudent to focus on prevention. She expressed the view that this was definitely an area worth concentrating on, due to the detrimental effects of homelessness on physical and mental health. 





(1) that the outline report on the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy be noted


(2) that the HWB Strategic Priorities be further discussed at the meeting in April 2016


(3) that the matter of alcohol mis-use be added as an item for the April agenda


(4) that the remit of the Obesity Sub Group be extended to include childhood obesity


(5) that data concerning alcohol mis-use be disseminated to the Board


(6) that Dr Jenny Selway is invited to the meeting in April to update the Board concerning the mental health of young people coming into Bromley from other Boroughs     


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