Agenda item



The Bromley Safeguarding Children Board ‘s (BSCB) annual report for 2014-2015 was tabled at the meeting, and Annie Callanan (the Independent Chair of the Board) attended to answer any questions concerning the report. The report summarised the work undertaken by the BSCB during 2014-2015 to protect and promote the welfare of children and young people in Bromley.


Ms Callanan apologised to the Board for the late submission of the report. Meetings had recently taken place to assess performance issues. The focus would now be on practical work. Possible synergies with the Safeguarding Adults Board were being investigated.


The Board were referred to pages 4/5 of the report were the main achievements against the BSCB Business Plan were noted:




Ms Callanan outlined the reporting and governance structure of the BSCB, and it was noted that the BSCB now submitted annual reports to the HWB and to the Care Services Policy Development Committee. It was explained to the Board that a new sub group had been established and that was a “Policy and Procedures” sub group. There was now greater engagement with the CCG and the Police, and Ms Callanan expressed the view that the BSCB was strong. She then asked if the HWB had any questions relating to the report. 


Cllr Ruth Bennett asked what measures were in place to safeguard children being educated at home. Ms Callanan responded that this was being looked at jointly by Social Services and the Education Department. The Director of Children’s Services stated that every child in the Borough being educated at home, would be visited at least once a year. This was a matter that had been looked at by the Children’s Board. 


Harvey Guntrip raised the issue of what was being done to oversee tattoo and piercing establishments now that the definition of FGM had been extended to cover piercings of the female genital organs in tattoo parlours. There was some debate about whether or not this activity did come under the remit of FGM, although it was clear that persons under the age 18 should not be tattooed. 

(Post meeting note—the NHS has adopted new guidelines after the World Health Organisation designated piercings of the female genital organs as FGM. Under the guidelines this would be classed as “Type 4” FGM, the definition of which is:


Type 4 – all other harmful procedures for non- medical reasons, including pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterising the genital area.)


The Board were reminded that all healthcare professionals now had a duty to report all cases of FGM; this duty extended to midwives and health visitors, and there was also a duty to report FGM that had taken place outside of the UK. It was noted that FGM was also incorporated into the PREVENT agenda.


Cllr Thresher asked if bullying had been included in the BSCB annual report. The Director of Children’s Services responded that it was not possible to include everything into the report, and that there were safeguarding protocols concerning bullying that were followed by schools.


The Chairman asked Ms Callanan if there were any areas of concern for 2015/2016. Ms Callanan responded that she was concerned about statutory central government issues. There was going to be review of LSCBs, and she had recently been contacted by a Select Committee and received a Ministerial Letter, all enquiring about issues in young people’s front line services. Ms Callanan stated that priorities for next year would be very vulnerable children and domestic abuse.


Cllr Tunnicliffe asked if DV Advocates were still in place, and Ms Callanan stated that she would get back to the HWB with an update.



RESOLVED that the BSCB Annual Report for 2014-2015 be noted.