Agenda item



Report CS16002


The Committee considered a report setting out the proposal for the Public Health Budget for 2016/17 and 2017/18.


In July 2015, the Department for Health announced an in-year reduction in the Public Health grant of 6.1%, which equated to a reduction of £919,000 for the London Borough of Bromley.  In considering how Public Health services could best be delivered in future years following the reduction in grant funding, it was proposed that the provision and commissioning of key statutory and mandated Public Health services be prioritised, and that there be a reduction or cessation of provision and commissioning of non-statutory and non-mandated services.  It was also proposed that there should be a reprioritisation of the Public Health grant to address wider determinants of health, and that work be undertaken to achieve further general efficiencies across the Public Health division.


For 2016/17, it was proposed that the commissioned activity of sexual health and the commissioned and provided activity of NHS Health Checks be reduced, and that there be a cessation of the commissioned services for adult weight management and adult exercise referral scheme.  For 2017/18, it was proposed that there be a cessation of the commissioned services for general health improvement, smoking cessation and childhood obesity programme, and that there also be a cessation of the commissioned service for school nursing, although alternate funding for this service would be considered for 2016/17.  It was also proposed that there would be further general efficiencies across the Public Health Division including reduction or cessation of all non-statutory activities and costs.


Consultation on the proposal for the Council’s Public Health budget 2016/17 and 2017/18 had commenced with staff, trade unions and other stakeholders on 15th January 2016 and would conclude on 15th February 2016.


The Portfolio Holder for Care Services noted that the Public Health Budget for 2016/17 and 2017/18 was indicative as the Public Health grant had not yet been confirmed for 2016/17, but that the draft budget had been developed based on the expectations that further cuts of at least 3.9% would be made.  A Member reported that the Health and Wellbeing Board would be considering the proposal for the Council’s Public Health Budget 2016/17 as part of the full range of health services, and that there was scope to identify if some non-statutory and non-mandated services could be delivered in alternate ways, such as through voluntary organisations.


In considering the report, the Director of Public Health was pleased to advise Members that there had been a levelling off in the amount of childhood obesity in Bromley in 2015/16 whilst the national trend continued to increase. 


In response to a question from a Member, the Director of Public Health confirmed that the general efficiencies to be made across the Public Health Division would include wide ranging savings, such as making more effective use of online information and library services.  Work was also being undertaken to consider how some elements of non-statutory services could be delivered in a different way, such as the provision of peer support for people with HIV through the HIV Specialist Nurse Service.


A Member underlined the need to identify how priorities such as mental health support for children and young people could best be delivered in future years.  The Portfolio Holder for Care Services noted that Public Health continued to work with academies to support them in developing strong school nursing programmes, and that Dr Jenny Selway, Consultant in Public Health Medicine was working closely with schools to provide training on mental health.  The Director of Public Health reported that all secondary schools and some primary schools across the Borough had adopted a mindfulness programme in mental health and wellbeing.  School governing bodies had also been directed to consider this issue, and a report on child and adolescent mental health would be considered at the meeting of Care Services PDS committee in June 2016.



1)  Member’s comments on the proposal for the Council’s Public Health budget 2016/17 and 2017/18 and on responses to the consultation on the proposals with staff, trade unions and other stakeholders be noted.


2)  The Council’s Executive be recommended to:


i)  Note Members’ comments on the proposal for the Council’s Public Health budget 2016/17 and 2017/18 and on responses to the consultation on the proposals with staff, trade unions and other stakeholders.


ii)  Recommend to Council that the Public Health grant for 2016/17 and 2017/18 be utilised as proposed in Report CS16002.


iii)  Subject to Council’s approval that the Public Health grant for 2016/17 and 2017/18 be utilised as proposed in Report CS16002, agree to give notice to relevant contracts.

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