Agenda item

Bromley Adult Education College Update


Report ED16025


The Committee considered a report setting out the criteria to be used for selecting the 2016/17 adult education curriculum in addition to an overview of the forthcoming devolution and area review plans for all post-16 education funding.  It was expected that this would influence future funding allocations and the type of provision for which they could be used from the academic year 2017/18 onwards.  The report also provided an update on the progress made in relation to the Equality Impact Assessment Plan.


Planning for the 2016/17 curriculum would start in March 2016.  The criteria used to determine the range of subjects would need to take into consideration  the recommendations in the Ofsted Inspection report of March 2015, the local priorities of Bromley council, national priorities for publically funded post-16 education providers, and the Skills Funding Agency Funding Rules for 2016/17.


It was envisaged that in 2016/17 all courses would meet one or more of the following criteria:


·  Provide progression into employability and/or further study

·  Lead to recognised qualifications

·  Meet national and local learning and skills priorities

·  Contribute to learners’ improved mental and/or physical health

·  Adhere to the principles of community engagement, particularly with regards to disadvantaged residents and communities in the Borough

·  Suitable accommodation and resources, either on BAEC premises or off site

·  Generate fee income or add value to the public grant through the Pound Plus principle.


The Head of Bromley Adult Education reported that a separate area review process for adult learning was being undertaken.  This would involve either a London-wide approach or a London regional approach and was seen as a very positive development.


The Chairman noted that some students who had been undertaking specialist courses had expressed concerns surrounding the relocation of specialist equipment.  The Head of Adult Education reported that in the coming days alternatives for the larger pieces of equipment would be considered.  Officers would soon begin liaising with organisations who could be in a position to take the larger pieces of equipment.


Members noted that prior to the reorganisation that had been agreed by Executive, the criteria for the adult education curriculum would have included a bullet point about providing leisure and recreational courses.  However, following the reorganisation of the Service, the majority of the curriculum would focus on disadvantaged adults.


In response to a question, the Head of Adult Education reported that part of the support programme for tutors would involve assisting them with finding suitable alternative accommodation and then signposting service users to the provision that was available.  The aim was to signpost service users through Bromley Council’s website and the Adult Education website. 


Members were informed that the curriculum was currently being developed and would be planned by the end of April 2016.  It would take longer to identify the provision that was externally available through tutors who no longer work with Bromley Adult Education.


In order for the Committee to have a clear understanding of the shape of Adult Education in the future the Chairman asked that Adult Education be a standing item in future Portfolio Holder updates to Committee meetings and that update emails be circulated to Committee Members.


Action Point 6: that the Committee be provided with email updates concerns the provision of Adult Education and that Adult Education be a standing item in future Portfolio Holder Updates.


RESOLVED: that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to agree the following criteria:


·  Provide progression into employability and/or further study

·  Lead to recognised qualifications

·  Meet national and local learning and skills priorities

·  Contribute to learners’ improved mental and/or physical health

·  Adhere to the principles of community engagement, particularly with regards to disadvantaged residents and communities in the Borough

·  Suitable accommodation and resources, either on BAEC premises or off site

·  Generate fee income or add value to the public grant through the Pound Plus principle.

Supporting documents: