Agenda item

(16/01260/FULL6) - 4 Hathaway Close, Bromley, BR2 8RD




Description of application – Single storey side/rear extensions including rooflight to rear roof slope of existing garage, single storey front extension, front porch extension and roof alterations to form habitable accommodation including rear dormer and front roof lights.


The Chief Planner reported that the Highways Division had raised no objection to the application.

Members having considered the report and objections, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED as recommended, subject to the conditions set out in the report of the Chief Planner with the addition of a further condition to read:-

4  Parking bays shall measure 2.4m x 5m and there shall be a clear space of 6m in front of each space (or 7.5m if garages are provided) to allow for manoeuvring and these spaces shall be permanently retained as such thereafter.

Reason: In order to comply with Appendix II of the Unitary Development Plan and in the interest of pedestrian and vehicular safety.


Supporting documents: